8th June

Good Morning Everyone

I hope you are all keeping well and had a great weekend. Here is the link to World Oceans Day;

World Oceans Day

There are lots of great videos and activities for different age groups, so choose the ones you feel will suit your child – I hope you enjoy them.

Here are this weeks suggested activities and as always only complete what suits you and your family.

Literacy Activities

This weeks activities are about creating lists.  The story is called ‘Teddy’s Lists’, here is the link to the story

Teddy’s Lists

The Reading Activity begins with reading the story ‘Teddy’s Lists’ and then create an invitation for a guest for a party.

The Writing Activity is about writing lists and then having a go at writing a shopping list.

The Listening and Speaking Activity involves reading Dear Zoo (there is a link to watching it), creating a list of the animals but also thinking about a perfect pet.

Also try to read a story every day.  The links to free stories to listen to and/or read can be found in the ‘Free Books’ tab.

If you wish to follow up a story with a discussion then the ‘Prompt cards’ can be used.  They can be found in the reading booklet issued and are also available in the reading tab above.

  • Complete page 12  from the phonics booklet. I have included photos of these below for anyone without the home learning pack.

  • Revise phonemes ‘b’ and ‘u ’. Please make sure your child can correctly form theses letters.
  • Continue to practise the common words. Use the tab above for ideas on ways of practising them.  Also have ago at writing short sentences using the common words.

I have added another tab above called ‘Literacy Activities’, please take a look. There are a  mixture of additional resources or you may want to give one of the ‘Talk for Writing’ tasks ago, instead of doing the tasks above.

I have also added some extra reading activities to the tab too, taken from BBC bitesize.

Maths and Numeracy Activities

  • Numbers to 20 booklet page 54

  • Addition and Subtraction booklet page 61


  • Money booklet page 287

Here are some additional games which can be played to support number work;
  • Counting and playing a game using coins. ( Ask your child to help draw the board game, instead of printing it)

Counting and coin game

  • Counting beyond 20 and paying for items using coins.

counting beyond 20

  • Money games.

Money games

General Activities

I have not added any additional activities here this week as there are the World Oceans Day activities and also below a competition you might want to give a go.

Please see the ‘General Activities’ tab above if you would like to do additional tasks.

Nature in Your Neighbourhood Competition

Into Film are asking children to create a short film and use nature and their surroundings in an engaging and creative way, to capture the calmness and document something they’ve noticed or appreciated while spending more time in their local area. The makers of the winning film will receive a home filmmaking bundle worth £300, and two runners up will get their hands on a year’s subscription to Netflix. The closing date for entries is Friday 19 June 2020. You can find out more at the link below.

Nature in your Neighbourhood Competition

Sports Day

Although we can’t be together this year, we are looking forward to taking part in an even bigger Sports WEEK.

During the week commencing 15th June, we will post some sporting challenges each day on twitter/school app and we challenge as many pupils (and staff & parents) to take part as possible! Of course, we will want to see that you have joined in so during w/c 15th June, please e-mail your photos to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk adding ‘Sports Week’ as well as your child’s name and class in the subject box.

Burnside’s Got Talent

We know how much talent our pupils have so let’s share this again this year. Between 15th – 19th June you are invited to tweet a video/photo of your child’s performance on twitter. Tweet @burnsideprim and we will re-tweet. There will also be a special certificate on the app/twitter for you to download and award to your child from us. Through the years we have enjoyed amazing performances from musicians, singers, actors, comedians, magicians and gymnasts to name but a few. Time to get practising!

The check in station will go up on Thursday this week, so please let me know what you have been up to.

Please continue to send in photos, I love seeing what you’ve all been up to.  You can send in photos to the address below and I’ll post them on our blog in the ‘gallery’. Remember our blog is public so please don’t send photos that have children in them. Names will not be matched with photos. This email address will be used by several classes, so please use the subject line ‘Room 1 Mrs Chan’ in every message you send to make sure I don’t miss any.


Let me know if you have any questions, need help with anything or if any of the links don’t work.

Keep safe everyone.

Mrs Chan x

One thought on “8th June”

  1. Hi Mrs Chan, hope you’re well.
    Please could you let me know which font you use for the children’s spelling words?
    There are some words we’ve come across whilst reading that I’d like to add to Brook’s word tin, but keen not to confuse her by using a different font.
    Thanks, Charis

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