Check in Station (6)

Hello Everyone

It’s that time of the week again, when I would love to hear that you’re ok and anything that you have been up to.

It’s such beautiful weather, I am sure you are spending lots of time outside.

Looking forward to hearing all your news.

Mrs Chan x     


14 thoughts on “Check in Station (6)”

  1. Hi fives Mrs Chan! This week I have been reading James and the Giant Peach with my mum each night at bedtime. My favourite bit is when sharks try to gobble up the peach so that they can then gobble James and all the bugs for their tea – but James and all the bugs escape thanks to the seagulls. Phew! It was my dads birthday and we had a party. I helped make the cake and made a card with a record on it because my dad loves records. I got a new batman flyer bike as a present too. I hope you’ve had a good week and we liked seeing your picture when you gave your son a cup of tea.

    1. Hi Ethan,
      ‘James and the Giant Peach’ is one of my all time favourite stories and I love the film too – maybe you could watch it when you’ve finished the book. I hope you enjoyed eating the cake as well as making it. You were very lucky to get a bike on your dad’s birthday and isn’t it great weather for bike riding. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  2. Hi Mrs Chan, hope you are getting to enjoy some of this lovely the sunshine, I have been on my bike and doing some of my work outside . Have a nice weekend☀️

    1. Hi Safia,
      Yes I’ve been enjoying the sunshine too. It’s lovely to do some work outside too. I hope you have a lovely weekend and get to go out on your bike some more. I’m hoping to get an ice cream too!
      From Mrs Chan

  3. Hi Mrs Chan hope you are well.
    We are going to have a bbq tonight and get my paddling pool out.
    Enjoy the sunshine everyone ❤️👙🌞🏖

    1. Hi Felicity,
      I hope you enjoyed your BBQ and you had fun in your paddling pool. It’s so warm, I’m beginning to wish I had a paddling pool too!
      From Mrs Chan x

  4. Hi Mrs Chan,

    I have been playing outside with my water volcano🌋 in the garden. It connects to the hose and sprays out water and then erupts with even more water. It is so fun to play with when it’s such a hot day 🌞. And I love having ice cream cones 🍦.


    1. Hi David,
      Your water volcano does sound perfect for this hot weather. I love an ice cream cone too and had a strawberry one today!
      From Mrs Chan

  5. Hi Mrs Chan,

    I’ve planted more seeds this week – the sunflowers have even started to grow. I’ve been doing some work in my comprehension book. I’ve also been watching a show about undersea animals. I got a new bike, so I’m going to try it out.

    From Juliet

    1. Hi Juliet,
      You sound like you have been busy. Sun flowers are great to grow, I wonder how big they will get? If you enjoy finding out about undersea animals then look out for World Ocean’s Day on June 8th. I hope you have fun riding your new bike.
      From Mrs Chan x

  6. Hi Mrs Chan,
    I have been spending a lot of time in my new pool. I was really excited as I got to see Olivia and Mia yesterday and we rode our bikes together ( we stayed 2m apart). I hope you are enjoying the sunshine

    1. Hi Elias,
      That is exciting news – getting to see some friends from school. I am sure you had a lot of fun and then were able to cool off in your new pool, sounds like a great day. I’ve been enjoying the sunshine too, although walking and not riding my bike!
      From Mrs Chan x

  7. Hi Mrs Chan
    We have been out on our bikes this week and we are going to camp out on the garden on Saturday
    Love Olivia and Mia

    1. Hi Olivia and Mia,
      I hope you had fun camping outside on Saturday, it was a beautiful day. I am glad you’re having fun riding your bikes, its a great way to get around especially in the sun.
      From Mrs Chan x

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