Check- in Station (Week 2)

Hi everyone,

This is your  weekly ‘Check-in Station’ !

Just like last week, we are asking  each pupil (with parental help!) to post a message on their class blog. You can leave your comment below. Thank you so much for getting in touch last week, it was lovely to hear what you have all been up to.   You can just say hello or you can tell me how you are and any activities you have been doing.

If you could check in today or tomorrow that would be great, thank you.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Mrs Chan  

31 thoughts on “Check- in Station (Week 2)”

  1. Hi Mrs Chan
    Today I made a dinosaur enclosure and did lots of exercises with my brother. I have also done lots of work sheets and used study ladder. I am watching Maddie and Greg and learning about things that float.

    From Murray

    1. Hi Murray,
      A dinosaur enclosure sounds amazing, you definitely don’t want dinosaurs escaping at the moment. I hope you enjoy experimenting with objects that float and sink. You sound like you’ve been very busy.
      From Mrs Chan

  2. Hi Mrs Chan. I’ve been very busy again this week, just wish the sunshine was still here! I really liked the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. Mummy has been teaching me story maps, so it was great to do my own one. I added lava and mountains to the story! I miss everyone so much! Love Alfie x

  3. Bonjour Ms Chan

    I camped out in my garden at the weekend and have helped my mummy and daddy prepare meals.
    I enjoyed the Harry Potter trip. My big brother created a potion and ‘hypnotised’ my mummy and I. I have also been trying hard to complete my jobs. I am missing all my friends.
    Arianna x

    1. Bonjour Arianna,
      I’m glad you enjoyed the Harry Potter trip, it did sound amazing. Well done for working hard and helping prepare meals. I am sure your mum and dad really appreciate the help.
      From Mrs Chan x

  4. Hi Mrs Chan,
    This week I have been busy learning to tell the time and practising spelling my words in shaving foam! I also made a bubble blower that made long bubble snakes when I blew really hard! I miss you and all my friends x

    1. Hi Elias,
      Learning your spelling words in shaving foam sounds like great fun. The bubble blower sounds great too.
      From Mrs Chan x

  5. Hi Miss Chan
    This week I’ve been continuing with my maths and also books. Today was fun as Thomas was my teacher for a while he helped me with my book. Hope you are well!

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      It sounds like you’ve been enjoying yourself. I am sure Thomas made a great teacher and you also showed him how good you are at your work.
      From Mrs Chan

  6. Hi Mrs Chan. Me and my brother loved the jack and the beanstalk story. We walked to the park to find out own magic beans to plant. Maybe they will grow. We played I-Spy in the garden today. I miss playing in the playground
    Joseph x

    1. Hi Joseph,
      I can’t wait to find out if your magic beans grow. I am glad you are enjoying stories, I enjoy reading too.
      From Mrs Chan

    1. Hi Lianna,
      It’s good to hear from you and I am glad you are all safe and well. I hope you’ve been able to enjoy some sunshine.
      Yes I do have a glow account. You can comment on here and I can keep it private or email Mrs McGarvey who will forward the email to me and I will reply.
      From Mrs Chan

    1. Hi Safia,
      We made rocky road biscuits too! Did they taste delicious? Ours did and they got even very quickly. Have a great weekend and I hope you get some more time on your bike.
      From Mrs Chan

  7. Hello everyone, I’m checking in today too! Mrs. Chan posted lots of interesting jobs for you this week and it’s been so great to see how busy you have been indoors and outdoors. I love any books about animals so I hope you enjoyed the ‘Animal Upsets’ story. I can see that you have been practising your phonemes, especially ‘r’ and ‘m’ this week. How many words did you find starting with ‘r’ and ‘m’ and did you find lots ending with these phonemes too? If you have been practising counting with coins, maybe you could see how fast you can get. I was so excited to hear about the trip to Hogwarts and I hope you had great fun on this adventure. Mrs. Chan and I are so proud of all your jobs and we love to hear how much fun you are having too. I am missing you all but I love to see your great photographs so if you can, keep sending them in. Have a great weekend everyone!

  8. Dear Mrs Chan, I liked hearing about your dog swimming! I’ve been doing arts and crafts and you are the best teacher in the school! I’ve been enjoying watching Katie Morag on CBeebies. One night when it pouring we went out for a wet stomp and stomped in lots of puddles. I hope your dog has done that too? Love from Una

    1. Hi Una,
      I love the Katie Morag stories and really enjoyed it when my son did a ‘Katie Morag’topic at school. I remember stomping in puddles with my children it was always good fun. My dog is out for a walk just now, I think he’ll be very tired when he gets back. I hope you have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  9. Hi Mrs Chan,

    I liked the Animal Upsets story. I drew a picture of my dog, Rosie, who ate my whole plate of pancakes! I am also learning a new dance and I’m going to plant cress seeds this afternoon to see how they grow. Hope everyone has had a good week.

    From Juliet

    1. Hi Juliet,
      I look forward to hearing about how your cress grow and I am glad you enjoyed the Animal Upsets story. Your dog must have been very hungry to eat all your pancakes! Have a great weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

  10. Hi Mrs Chan, I’ve been doing all my homework and lots of drawing. I even had to design a cheer costume for my dance class this week. I do my dance class on a zoom chat every Saturday morning.
    Hope you are well 🌈❤️🎀💃

    1. Hi Felicity,
      Well done for doing all your work. Taking part in a zoom dance chat sounds like great fun.
      From Mrs Chan

  11. Hi Mrs Chan,

    We made fishes on fishing roads today. I’ve also done my worksheets and played on my study ladder. I’ve been in the garden quite a lot, playing in my sandbox and on my slide and seesaw with my brother Charlie. I also made a paper hug to send to my grandparents who I miss very much.

    From David

    1. Hi David,
      You sound like you have been very busy and having fun in your garden. What a wonderful idea the paper hug is, I am sure your grandparents are missing you too.
      From Mrs Chan

  12. Hi Mrs Chan
    We enjoyed the going on a bear hunt story. We have watched all the Harry Potter films with our family. We miss you and our friends loads Olivia and Mia xx

    1. Hello Olivia and Mia,
      I’m glad you enjoyed ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ story, I think it’s a great story too. I hope you had lots of popcorn with all those Harry Potter films!
      From Mrs Chan

  13. Hi Mrs Chan,
    I’ve got a new certificate on study ladder. I’m very happy about this. I’ve been baking again this week and playing in my garden and going out on my bike. I’m missing you and all my friends.
    Love Angus x

    1. Hi Angus,
      Well done for getting a certificate on study ladder, you must have worked very hard. I am sure your family are enjoying your baking. The weather has been so good for outside fun, lets hope it continues.
      From Mrs Chan

  14. Dear Mrs Chan and everybody in R1,
    We are having good fun with my sister. I’m just about to do my school work. I’m looking forward to experiment with the floating objects in the bath tonight. I’m reading about robots and human bodies. I made a robot with my daddy. I’m also learning to play football and tennis. I miss my friends so much.

    1. Hi Arthur,
      It is lovely to hear from you and you sound like you have been very busy. I hope you enjoy the floating experiments in your bath later today. You sound like you have been enjoying lots of books and I am sure making a robot was great fun. I miss all the boys and girls too. Have a lovely weekend.
      From Mrs Chan

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