Home learning w.c 8.6.20

Good morning girls and boys,

I hope you are all well and staying safe. I am excited to be in school this morning for the first time in what feels like forever. Some of the girls and boys of key workers will be returning to Burnside this week so if you are one of them then i’ll look forward to be seeing you!!

I hope you have been managing ok with the tasks set for you but please remember not to worry if you don’t get everything done. Everyone’s situation is different and I understand that as it gets closer to the summer holidays and the weather is good it can be hard to concentrate on school work. The most important thing is your healthy and happy and everything else we can pick up when we are back together in school again.

Remember both Mrs Mirner and I set tasks for you so be sure to check both posts. As always a good structure for each day might look something like this;

  • 1 numeracy task (i.e. a worksheet, website game, Studyladder)
  • 1 literacy task (i.e. diary, book review, spelling game, Studyladder)
  • Personal reading (roughly 15-20 minutes)
  • Exercise/fresh air (i.e online exercises, playing in the garden)
  • 1 other activity (i.e topic, art, ICT, music, baking)


  • Reading

Please keep reading either using the your own personal reading books, Oxford Owl tab on glow, this free book website that I had share before or any other resource you have.


  • Reading comprehension

I’ve attached some reading comprehension tasks related to our Under the Sea topic for each reading group. The answers are included so remember no peeking and you may need an adult to help with you some of it.

Kinneys ‘Our Blue Planet’ reading comp

Dahls ‘Our Blue Planet’ reading comp

Rowlings & Ròs ‘Our Blue Planet’ reading comp

Normally at this time of year we are looking forward to the start of Wimbledon but unfortunately like many events it has been cancelled. However this next task might just give you a wee tennis fix and if you really want to get into the spirit of Wimbledon you could even have strawberries and cream while your doing it!

All groups can attempt the first comprehension task with 1 star but some of you are likely to need an adult to help you not only with the reading but also finding the answers. You should aim to answer each question in sentences.

If you would rather however you could do it as a talking and listening task whereby an adult could read it aloud to you and then you answer the questions, almost like a quiz. You might want to choose a harder one if your doing it that way.


  • Writing

As we approach the end of term I thought it would be nice for you to take some time this week to write about some of  your favourite memories from P3.  It might be about the Nativity or our class trip to the Science centre or maybe it’s just a simple memory of a game you played one lunchtime or something that made you laugh so much that your side hurt, it can really be anything.

I would love to read these too so as always please feel free to share them by sending me an email.

  • Spelling

We plan to continue with consolidation of the spelling words you have been given so far this week. Please continue to use different active strategies to help you learn and if you can try and come up with as many ‘new’ words as you can for each spelling rule.

  • Grammar

This week we want you to think about adjectives. Remember an adjective is a word that describes a noun (naming word). For example the green grass or the soft feather. I wonder if you think of an adjective for each letter of the alphabet.

Adjective Alphabet


  • Mental maths
    • Access ‘DK 10 minute a day’ app to practise your tables. You will need to download this app from your app store first.
    • Visit easi-maths on your glow page and complete 3 x 20 minute sessions.
    • Go onto Studyladder and complete some of the number activities set. (See Mrs Mirner’s post)
    • Revise ‘learn its’ in tab at top of blog.


  • Addition sums (apologies for the large attachments). Ask an adult or use a calculator to mark.






  • Outdoor Maths

These outdoor maths challenge cards are a fab way to do your maths outdoors and have fun at the same time. There are 3 different star rated challenge levels but I think you are all capable of having a go. Let me know how you get on and if you happen to take any photographs then please send them on to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk .


  • Under the Sea code cracker

A fun Under the Sea code cracker for all groups to give a go although you might need some help from an adult. Remember you can use practical materials to to help you with counting (i.e. cubes, coins, pasta, lego, etc).




Sports Day

Although we can’t be together this year, we are looking forward to taking part in an even bigger Sports WEEK.

During the w.c 15th June, we will post some sporting challenges each day on twitter/school app to challenge as many pupils (and staff & parents) to take part as possible!

Of course, we will want to see that you have joined in so during w.c 15th June, please e-mail your photos to gw18burnsidephotos@glow.sch.uk adding ‘Sports Week’ as well as your name and class in the subject box.

Burnside’s Got Talent

Also a reminder that next week between 15th – 19th June we are inviting you to tweet a video/photo of yourself performing a talent to share with our school community on our Twitter page.

There will be more information with regards to this unique version of Burnside’s Got Talent on the app but I certainly be using time this week to perfect that special talent of your so to give it your best shot.

A special certificate on the app/twitter will be made available for those parents/carers to  to download and present to you on behalf of us.

Through the years we have enjoyed amazing performances from musicians, singers, actors, comedians, magicians and gymnasts to name but a few.

Time to get practising and I’m super excited to see all our room 6 girls and boys.


Have a lovely week everyone and as always if you need help with anything then just let me know.

Lots of love

Mrs Graham xx

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