Weekly check in

Hello Girls & Boys,

I hope you are all well and finally today and tomorrow it looks like we will have some sunshine ☀️ so make sure you are out enjoying it!

I promised some of you a story about an incident involving Lubo this past weekend so here it is…

On Saturday he was out with his daddy on an early morning walk up a hill. All was going well and Lubo was loving life running up and down as well as taking in all the lovely smells. They were almost at the top of this very big hill when they passed a field of sheep. Now as you know Lubo is a bit cheeky but he’s been on lots of walks like this before, passed lots of sheep and other farm animals and never bothered. But there was something about Saturday that was different, he had a very cheeky glint in his eye. Just as they were passing the sheep, he stopped and stared and then moved a bit closer. His daddy thought about putting him back on his lead but then thought “no he’ll be fine, he’s seen lots of sheep and never done anything” and called him back. Lubo didn’t answer. Lubo moved a bit closer again and again didn’t answer when called. Before his daddy could even think of getting his lead back on him he was off. Off like a shot! He went into full flight, chasing the 6 sheep and 1 ram all the way down the hill. Lubo is quick but who knew sheep were quicker? They managed to stay about a meter ahead of Lubo the whole time and just ran and ran. They were obviously scared of him 😢 The sheep ran towards the farm house which by this time his daddy could see two giant bulls close by. Robert was calling on him at the top of his voice but he just wouldn’t come back. He too then had to run down the side of this huge hill to try and get him back, falling as he went, but Lubo was gone.

10 minutes passed and he couldn’t find him anywhere. As you can imagine Robert was getting really worried that something had happened to Lubo especially because he had seen the bulls. He was just about to phone me to break the terrible news when he saw this tiny grey speck appear at the very bottom of the hill. He kept shouting “Lubo” and the speck started to get a bit bigger until such times as he was standing right in front of his daddy covered in sheep poo and twigs 💩 😂 While Robert was very cross with him and put him straight on the lead, he did feel the biggest relief ever that he came back. He didn’t speak to him the rest of the way home but his real punishment came in the form of the longest bath ever (which he hates) to get all the poo and twigs off him! I think he might think twice about doing that again!

What a drama eh? Have your pets ever done anything as naughty?

Lubo was very cheeky and guess we now know that he can’t ever be full trusted to walk off the lead even up a huge hill with no one else a round! He is not an aggressive dog at all so I know he wouldn’t have hurt the sheep but I think he just thought it was a game of chase or maybe he was auditioning for the role of a sheep dog? Who knows! All we know is we were very lucky something worse didn’t happen and thankfully all the sheep were fine too!

Here is a picture of the bold boy before the drama unfolded

Anyway less about Lubo, he’ll be thinking he’s famous! Mrs McGarvey had put a message on the app which I imagine a lot of you and your parents would have seen. It asked that you share an act of kindness that you have done . It might be helping a younger brother or sister with their school work or tidying your room or even just saying something kind to another person. If you can think of something then please share what it was when you are popping on to say hello.

As always if you have any pictures of you undertaking home learning or of your act of kindness, and you would like to share them then please send them to the following email address;


As this weekend is a holiday weekend (Friday & Monday) please if you can say hello either today or tomorrow.

Take care and enjoy the ☀️

Lots of love

Mrs Graham xx

22 thoughts on “Weekly check in

  1. Hi everyone!
    Having lots of fun but missing you all. Hope we can all see each other soon.
    Love Reece

    1. Hi Reece,

      Lovely to hear from you and thanks for popping on to say hello. I’m missing you all very much too. Hope you are enjoying Studyladder pet & speak soon!

      Take care
      Mrs Graham x

  2. Hi everyone,
    I am running out of books to read. I am enjoying ‘Slime’. I love books by David Walliams.

    I am playing rm easymath every day. It’s so fun.

    I miss all of my friends. 👍
    From Fraser 😀

    1. Hi Fraser,

      Great stuff, is Slime good? Is it one of your favourite DW books now?

      Missing you all too but thanks for saying hello.

      Take care
      Mrs Graham xx

  3. Hi Mrs Graham and Mrs Mirner. I’ve been very busy this week with my school work! We have made a shop in the house so me and Alfie can both practice our money skills! Mummy also let us make and sleep in a den this week, It was so much fun! Miss you! Macie x

    1. Hi Macie,

      Lovely to hear how busy you’ve been, your shop sounds great? Remember our travel agents in room 6? That was fun eh? Take care pet and enjoy the ☀️ today.

      Mrs Graham x

  4. Dear Mrs Graham and Mrs Mirner
    I’ve been busy with my work this week, I have enjoyed working on Studyladder.
    I have been out riding my bike and having fun.
    I am missing seeing my friends at school although trying to keep in touch over Facetime.

    1. Hi Rory,

      Thanks for getting in touch. Glad you’ve been out getting lots of exercise on your bike. I really need to look mine out and go for a cycle too!

      I miss everyone too but hopefully this won’t last for too much longer pet.

      Take care
      Mrs Graham x

  5. Hi I’v been doing a lot of school work this week and I made a drive through sweet shop on the couch.

  6. Hi Mrs Graham & Mrs mirner

    I have been keeping busy with my school work, going out on my bike & playing barbies. I had a water balloon fight with my sisters yesterday. It was fun. Missing everybody. X

  7. Hi everyone

    I am now doing Joe Wicks with my mum and sister.
    I’m doing a lot of my study ladder and bbc Bitesize.
    Hope you have an awesome birthday 🎁 Seb.

    Hope Lubo is 👍 after his bath.

    Missing you all

    From Jack👍👍

    1. Hi Jack,

      Thanks for sending over your ppt! It was fantastic pet, you out a lot of hard work into it!

      Lubo has recovered thankfully but wasn’t too happy when he had to go for his haircut on Friday 🙈.

      Take care
      Mrs Graham x

  8. Guten tag!
    I have been learning some German. Guten tag means Hello! Schule means School and lesen means read! For my act of kindness I built a Lego boat for my little brother. I have been designing a game called “CoolCraft”. It is a survival adventure game.

    Take care.

    1. Aw lovely Lewis! Thank you for sharing that and I’m sure your little brother would’ve loved that.
      Well done you!

      Mrs Graham x

  9. Hi Mrs Graham and Mrs Mirner

    Yesterday I had a BBQ, for my dessert we roasted marshmallows on the grill we also got hot chocolate .
    From Sophia 🦄

  10. Hi Mrs Graham and Mrs Mirner

    I’ve had a good week. I’ve done quite a lot school work but I’ve been outside riding by bike loads. I’m allowed to cycle on the road because my mum stands at the end and shouts of a car is coming. My act of kindness had been helping my little sister Molly to learn how to ride her 2 wheeler bike. She’s great at it!
    I’ve been reading lots of the myOn books, they’re really interesting.
    I’m still missing my friends lots and I want to be back at school.
    From Alfie
    PS my mum is going to send a picture of me and Molly on our bikes.

  11. Hi Mrs Graham and Mrs Mirner. I have been really enjoying my Talking4Writing work. My favourite bit was writing my elf story about Elvis Presley. I found a book called Exploring the Deep on level 16 of Oxford Owl. I’ve found all sorts of cool information! My act of kindness was I cleaned the table for Mummy and poured a cup of milk for Daddy for when he got home. 🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🦊🐻🐼🐨🐯🦁🐮🐷🐸🐵🐔🐧🐦🐤🐣🐥🦆🦅🦉🦇 Ròs

  12. Hi I have enjoyed playing with my sister and I’m about to make a shop in my kitchen.School work has been keeping me busy . I have been going on study ladder and DK 10 minutes and rm easy maths.
    Missing school and all of you.

    Julia 😃

    1. Hi Julia,
      Well done on all the hard work you’ve been putting in! It was nice to see you the other day too when we were walking Lottie.
      Mrs Mirner 🙂

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