Homework Wk beg 13/01/20

We would like to thank you very much for the lovely gifts that you gave us for Christmas. It was very kind of you all.  We hope you had a fantastic time celebrating over the holidays.

This week Spelling, Reading and Numeracy homework has been issued. You will find this in their homework folders or a poly pocket.


Please try to practise phonemes/words each night using any active spelling strategy in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.

Pencils and Rubbers group(ay):
day, tray, play, stay, prayer, way, away, always, today

Pens and Crayons Group(ss):
mess, lesson, class, dress, less, moss, kiss, four, miss, never, these 

Crayons and Rubbers group, can you come up with two of your own words using the same sound? Can you spell them correctly?

Challenge Activities – Can you write a sentence for each of your words? Remember to use V.C.O.P. in your work (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).

Kinneys: pg 1-8
Dahls: pg 1-12
Rowlings: Chapter 1

Circles: worksheet
Squares: worksheet
Triangles: worksheet

*All children have been given a new Learn Its homework sheet for this term. Please try to practise these every night with a partner. The children have been shown what to do in class.


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