Happy weekend everyone!

We love messy play so this week we had spaghetti and moon sand, the children then added Sea life as they thought it looked like a beach.

We’ve loved mark making in all areas around the nursery this week & have seen some great drawings and progressions in writing.

We were ‘performing’ on stage for Miss Morrison to some music.

We were scooping & transporting stones and watching them flow down the pipe whilst doing great team work.

“We’ve made a tower”.

Love Learning Love Life Day. 

We were all great at being brave and performing what we’ve been learning with Joy in front of the whole school and Parents / Carers.

We’ve revamped our Quiet space with some sensory resources, twinkly lights and pictures. We’ve liked having a dark space to ‘relax’ and look at the colours of different lights.


We like reading stories to each other in the area.

“Miss Hay watch me jump up here”.
“I think the sheep is looking for his Mam”.
“This is for you Miss Hay.” – Thanks for being so kind! 🙂

“We’re cooking Dinner in our house, I’m the Mammy”. 

“What are you cooking for Dinner?”

“I’m adding Salt and vinegar”. 

“We’re making a submarine”.

  • The boys worked together well to source loose parts from around the park and figured out how to get them all to fit together.
Playing hide & seek in the little house.

Practicing our balancing and risk taking.

‘Rowing the boat’.

We loved using the mud kitchen, we found lots of nature resources to add in to our pots and used great imagination to ‘cook’ some “Butter cupcakes” and some “Chicken’. We then put it inside the ‘oven’ to cook. We said we set the temperature to “Fifty Nine”.

“I’ve made you some chocolate soup”.
We were caring for the babies and giving them a wash out in the sun.

We had great fun spinning around in the spinning top then hiding under it.

“Here I am”.

Driving our nice clean boat after we gave it a good scrub. We asked for some colouring in the the water and mixed it in with bubbles and said “Look it’s changed colour”.

Have a great weekend everyone!

It’s been great to see the sunshine to end the week! 

Lots of climbing, rolling and exploring around our environment.


We’ve made the most of the sun and took the indoor resources outside and constructed some models.

We were great at using the tweezers to sort the different coloured pom poms.

We’ve shown a big interest in the Sue Hendra books this week, they make us laugh.

Following on from a Scavenger hunt with Mrs Forsyth we all walked to the beach and did our own hunt. 

We spotted lots of things whilst walking to the beach and whilst at the beach. Some of the things we seen were-  Circle & Square shaped road signs, different flowers and birds, sheep and lambs,

Sea glass, A crab, seaweed, shells, driftwood and various shaped and sized stones.


We painted some rocks that we had collected on the beach.

“I’m making pizza”.

We tried to smash the coloured ice we had created, it was a bit tricky!

This weeks activities so far.


We baked some scones for our snack, we had to weigh each ingredient carefully then pour each one in the big bowl to mix  all together.


We have liked junk modelling and have made some fantastic models using various loose parts, glue and cut up craft materials.  We would be very grateful If you had any junk you could donate to us, there is a blue barrel outside the Nursery door for donations.

 We have liked having sand indoors so decided to take some over to the craft area to use with glue, each child did their own individual picture which showed lots of imagination and creativity.

We have been great at using our imaginations to create some great drawings and practicing our writing skills.

“I need to make a steering wheel so I can drive the bus”

Thanks Miss Morrison for taking your accordion in again, we love music and dancing!

For the Primary 1 transition we got to go on a real bus this time and were all great at putting on our seatbelts independently after practicing last week! The link below will be updated with further Transition photos by Mrs Forsyth in Primary 1.

Transition Days



Happy Friday! :)

We’ve had a fun filled Friday!

We were very lucky to see Bruce the Dogs against Drugs dog as we were walking to the park, he was very friendly and loved all the attention (and belly rubs!).

We then had a parent take in two lambs to visit us, they were so cute and we got to cuddle them and feed them some milk. Afterwards we had our snack inside the polytunnel then chose to play in the playpark.

Before lunch we had the Toddler Group come for a visit and we were all kind and welcoming to them and shared our toys with them.

Action packed week!


We helped Miss Hay make some honey playdough, we discovered it didn’t have much of a scent but it felt “Sticky”.

We used great imagination to create models with loose parts.

“It’s a Mammy and baby snowman”.

We’ve been speaking about the Solar System this week so Mrs Gilfillan got us some balloons and we created our own planets using paint.

We requested to make “Food colouring and water to smash” so picked different resources to put in molds with water to freeze. We then tested out different resources to see which was best to get the ice to crack.

Whist out for our walk in Strom Road we looked at different types of flowers and picked some to take back to Nursery.   

We asked Miss Laurenson to read us a book about reptiles, we learnt lots of facts about each reptile.

  We did lots of climbing in the playground and were very brave going up high.


We worked together to problem solve how to fix the tarpaulin after the wind had blown it down.   

We loved using the mud kitchen in the playground, we made Miss Hay lots of ‘food’, we said it was “Soup, Apple Juice, Tatties, Carrots, Pasta, Tuna & Cheese and Strawberry Soup”.

We used the tyres to balance and to roll down the hill to experiment how fast we could run and how fast the tyre could roll. 

We’re very lucky we have lots of different areas and equipment to explore in the playground.

We did some printing with loose parts & the children decided the prints could be bumble bees.

We got the bus seats in ready for the Primary 1 transition day which  spurred on lots of role play and the children took turns of being ‘The Driver’, ‘The passenger’ and even a pilot when they used it as an ‘Aeroplane’ for ‘Going on Holiday’.

We were doing some ‘Cooking’ in our kitchen area, we said we were making “Fruit Salad” and “Smoothies”.

We love being little explorers


We helped to dye rice for sensory play, we picked colours to make ‘Rainbow Rice’.

“We’re cats going on the boat”.
“Miss Hay watch me climb”.
We helped one another balance all the way along.

      We all worked together and found lots of natural resources to mix together to make “mud pie”.

We liked the scooters and had lots of space in the playground to use them.

We were great at climbing up and down and jumping off all by ourselves.

We used shaving foam & paint to explore to feel, mixed colours then printed on paper.

The children thought it felt ‘gooey’, ‘gloopy’ and ‘soft’.

“This is my Mam”.

Following on from the children’s dinosaur interests we turned water into ice and had to figure out how to free the dinosaurs from their frozen eggs. We discovered warm water would be best to melt the ice and used different tools to crack it too.

Lots of great creations with the blocks again this week, we even measured our height against them.

We were very lucky to get to go to Drumming again, we were great at listening to the instructions from Joy

and copying different beats on the drums. We learnt about the different drum names, a new song and some African words. 


We used lots of loose parts to create a “Princess house” in the playground, we did great team work to set it up!

“Look at the baby slug, I’m going to look after him”

We planted tatties at the polytunnel and spoke about the growing process and how to look after them.    We then rolled down the hill and got a bit wet but had lots of fun in the rain!

A parent was very kind and donated us some wooden rainbows to paint, it was lots of fun and they looked great with all the colours on!

We requested Hama beads and were great at concentrating to put them in place as they were a bit fiddly.

We said we were playing ‘Schools’ and that we were

‘Doing our homework’ & were great at writing some letters.

Lots of fun indoors and outdoors this week.

Our coloured rice has been popular again this week.

We have loved the drawing pads

this week and have done lots of great drawings.

Using loose parts to create a ‘Dinosaur Home’.

We showed an interest in Dinosaurs and Volvano’s so  created a Volvano with Mrs Morris using a bottle, glue and newspaper.

  We have liked the ‘Three Little Pigs Story’ this week so Miss Morrison helped us create our own pig & wolf puppets. We were great at drawing detailed features and cutting them out.   

We had a visit from  Child smile, it was lovely to see Claire and the puppet.

We really liked the Jelly bath, we found lots of bugs in it and it felt ‘Squishy’.

We used the bats and balls in gym to see how far we could get them to go, it was a bit tricky but we kept trying until we got it.

We role played ‘Setting the table’ and having ‘Tea’.

Mrs Forsyth came to meet with the pre-schoolers and showed us all her treasure.

Mr Travins came by to sing a few songs with us.

Making ‘Mushroom Soup’.
“I’m on the Aeroplane going to The Bahamas”.

Our blocks indoors and outdoors have been a great hit this week, the children have made various things from them such as

Towers, Obstacle courses, Race tracks, Buses & Aeroplanes.   

“This is our house”.
“We’re asleep in our beds”.
We were very creative with the hama beads, it was nice to sit outside to do this.

We had a show & tell at together time, everyone was great at listening and asking questions about the special tap shoes.

We walked down to the beach & found lots of different

coloured sea glass & shells, We took them back to nursery

& created some lovely pictures.  

We experimented with Vinegar & Bicarbonate soda in the volcano we created, we thought the lava should be red so added food colouring after it ‘exploded’.

We got out for ‘Fun Friday’ in the sun, we chose to go the multi-court and explore the equipment.

“If you were a King or Queen for the day what would you do?”

“I would eat cake all day”.
“I would eat sweet stuff all day then brush my teeth”.
“I would sleep all the time”.
“I would sit all day”.
“I would eat chocolate, sleep, wash my hands, brush my teeth then climb up and jump on the castle”.
“I Would eat chocolate”.
“Run really fast and eat all the strawberries”.

“I would play games”.
“I would eat pizza everyday then when it’s night time I’d brush my teeth”.


We had a ‘Royal Party’ lunch to celebrate the King’s Coronation.

We liked pretending to be Kings and Queens for the day.

“I’m the King”

The biscuits were so yummy! Miss Laurenson even pretended to be a Queen with us.

The coloured rice has been a popular activity this wek, we chose our own loose parts to use with it and spoke about the colours of the Union Jack flag and spoke about what we knew about London. We liked role playing different members of the royal family with the puppets.

We watched a video all about about the coronation and learnt about all different roles of the Royal Family. If you would like to watch this with your child at home here is the link-

Inside the Coronation – Free film for primary-aged children – Coronation of His Majesty The King & Her Majesty The Queen Consort

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