Happy weekend everyone!

We love messy play so this week we had spaghetti and moon sand, the children then added Sea life as they thought it looked like a beach.

We’ve loved mark making in all areas around the nursery this week & have seen some great drawings and progressions in writing.

We were ‘performing’ on stage for Miss Morrison to some music.

We were scooping & transporting stones and watching them flow down the pipe whilst doing great team work.

“We’ve made a tower”.

Love Learning Love Life Day. 

We were all great at being brave and performing what we’ve been learning with Joy in front of the whole school and Parents / Carers.

We’ve revamped our Quiet space with some sensory resources, twinkly lights and pictures. We’ve liked having a dark space to ‘relax’ and look at the colours of different lights.


We like reading stories to each other in the area.

“Miss Hay watch me jump up here”.
“I think the sheep is looking for his Mam”.
“This is for you Miss Hay.” – Thanks for being so kind! 🙂

“We’re cooking Dinner in our house, I’m the Mammy”. 

“What are you cooking for Dinner?”

“I’m adding Salt and vinegar”. 

“We’re making a submarine”.

  • The boys worked together well to source loose parts from around the park and figured out how to get them all to fit together.
Playing hide & seek in the little house.

Practicing our balancing and risk taking.

‘Rowing the boat’.

We loved using the mud kitchen, we found lots of nature resources to add in to our pots and used great imagination to ‘cook’ some “Butter cupcakes” and some “Chicken’. We then put it inside the ‘oven’ to cook. We said we set the temperature to “Fifty Nine”.

“I’ve made you some chocolate soup”.
We were caring for the babies and giving them a wash out in the sun.

We had great fun spinning around in the spinning top then hiding under it.

“Here I am”.

Driving our nice clean boat after we gave it a good scrub. We asked for some colouring in the the water and mixed it in with bubbles and said “Look it’s changed colour”.

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