Have a great weekend everyone!

It’s been great to see the sunshine to end the week! 

Lots of climbing, rolling and exploring around our environment.


We’ve made the most of the sun and took the indoor resources outside and constructed some models.

We were great at using the tweezers to sort the different coloured pom poms.

We’ve shown a big interest in the Sue Hendra books this week, they make us laugh.

Following on from a Scavenger hunt with Mrs Forsyth we all walked to the beach and did our own hunt. 

We spotted lots of things whilst walking to the beach and whilst at the beach. Some of the things we seen were-  Circle & Square shaped road signs, different flowers and birds, sheep and lambs,

Sea glass, A crab, seaweed, shells, driftwood and various shaped and sized stones.


We painted some rocks that we had collected on the beach.

“I’m making pizza”.

We tried to smash the coloured ice we had created, it was a bit tricky!