We were very lucky to see Bruce the Dogs against Drugs dog as we were walking to the park, he was very friendly and loved all the attention (and belly rubs!).
We then had a parent take in two lambs to visit us, they were so cute and we got to cuddle them and feed them some milk. Afterwards we had our snack inside the polytunnel then chose to play in the playpark.
Before lunch we had the Toddler Group come for a visit and we were all kind and welcoming to them and shared our toys with them.
We helped Miss Hay make some honey playdough, we discovered it didn’t have much of a scent but it felt “Sticky”.
We used great imagination to create models with loose parts.
We’ve been speaking about the Solar System this week so Mrs Gilfillan got us some balloons and we created our own planets using paint.
We requested to make “Food colouring and water to smash” so picked different resources to put in molds with water to freeze. We then tested out different resources to see which was best to get the ice to crack.
Whist out for our walk in Strom Road we looked at different types of flowers and picked some to take back to Nursery.
We asked Miss Laurenson to read us a book about reptiles, we learnt lots of facts about each reptile.
We did lots of climbing in the playground and were very brave going up high.
We worked together to problem solve how to fix the tarpaulin after the wind had blown it down.
We loved using the mud kitchen in the playground, we made Miss Hay lots of ‘food’, we said it was “Soup, Apple Juice, Tatties, Carrots, Pasta, Tuna & Cheese and Strawberry Soup”.
We used the tyres to balance and to roll down the hill to experiment how fast we could run and how fast the tyre could roll.
We’re very lucky we have lots of different areas and equipment to explore in the playground.
We did some printing with loose parts & the children decided the prints could be bumble bees.
We got the bus seats in ready for the Primary 1 transition day which spurred on lots of role play and the children took turns of being ‘The Driver’, ‘The passenger’ and even a pilot when they used it as an ‘Aeroplane’ for ‘Going on Holiday’.
We were doing some ‘Cooking’ in our kitchen area, we said we were making “Fruit Salad” and “Smoothies”.