Lots of fun indoors and outdoors this week.

Our coloured rice has been popular again this week.

We have loved the drawing pads

this week and have done lots of great drawings.

Using loose parts to create a ‘Dinosaur Home’.

We showed an interest in Dinosaurs and Volvano’s so  created a Volvano with Mrs Morris using a bottle, glue and newspaper.

  We have liked the ‘Three Little Pigs Story’ this week so Miss Morrison helped us create our own pig & wolf puppets. We were great at drawing detailed features and cutting them out.   

We had a visit from  Child smile, it was lovely to see Claire and the puppet.

We really liked the Jelly bath, we found lots of bugs in it and it felt ‘Squishy’.

We used the bats and balls in gym to see how far we could get them to go, it was a bit tricky but we kept trying until we got it.

We role played ‘Setting the table’ and having ‘Tea’.

Mrs Forsyth came to meet with the pre-schoolers and showed us all her treasure.

Mr Travins came by to sing a few songs with us.

Making ‘Mushroom Soup’.
“I’m on the Aeroplane going to The Bahamas”.

Our blocks indoors and outdoors have been a great hit this week, the children have made various things from them such as

Towers, Obstacle courses, Race tracks, Buses & Aeroplanes.   

“This is our house”.
“We’re asleep in our beds”.
We were very creative with the hama beads, it was nice to sit outside to do this.

We had a show & tell at together time, everyone was great at listening and asking questions about the special tap shoes.

We walked down to the beach & found lots of different

coloured sea glass & shells, We took them back to nursery

& created some lovely pictures.  

We experimented with Vinegar & Bicarbonate soda in the volcano we created, we thought the lava should be red so added food colouring after it ‘exploded’.

We got out for ‘Fun Friday’ in the sun, we chose to go the multi-court and explore the equipment.

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