Happy New Year

Fun in the water tray
Trying so hard to pick up the bears with tongs
Drawing and practicing writing numbers
Colouring in Peppa Pig on the smart board
Helping each other to pick different sounds
Making a frozen jigsaw
Finished jigsaw, they were delighted with the outcome
Making pictures
Helping ourselves to lunch today to encourage independence.

Happy New Year Everyone. It was so good having everyone back in today. The children were very excited to tell us what they got from Santa. We had great fun in the nursery today, craft table , playing games, jigsaws, drawing with chalk and we went outside too.

We also introduced ‘serving yourself at snack and dinner’. The children enjoyed putting their own food on the plates and choosing how much food they wanted. There was good communication about passing plates of food and jugs of water. Great work everyone 🙂