Category Archives: Responsible Citizens

Building space rockets

On Thursday the 16th we were asked to get into the same groups that we were in when we made our posters. Miss Nicholson and Miss Morrison told us that we were going to be making space rockets out of junk. It had to be taller than a ruler but smaller than 1 metre. They had gathered a lot of ‘junk’ for us to choose from. We took it in turns for each group member to go to the desk with the ‘junk’ and select one piece at a time that we thought would be good to use for a rocket. Once we gathered enough resources we then began building our rockets.

Today we got to paint our junk model space rockets that we built.

Once we were finished we had to think of a name for our rocket, where our rocket was going and why and who was in the rocket! We had great fun and worked really well in our groups and with other groups as we had to share the masking tape.

Nesting and Girlsta Jarl Squad visits Tingwall

We all gathered down at the Tingwall hall after dinner. The Jarl squad were a little late coming but we didn’t mind as it was exciting waiting for them.  There were pupils from our school in the jarl squad so it must have been very exciting for them. We were excited to see them and what they would be wearing. The Jarl Squad came in and sang the Up Helly Aa song followed by their own song. We game the Jarl and his squad 3 cheers and presented them with a gift. They gave the school a gift of a copy of their shields and each pupil in the school got a badge with the design of their shield on it. It was very nice of them. After this we got to go mingle with the Vikings and try on their helmets and hold their axes and shields. It was good fun! We had a great afternoon!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We have been extremely busy this term. We are rehearsing for our play which is the 12 days of Christmas. We have also made Christmas decorations to decorate the Tingwall hall. It looks great! Primary 2/3 made Christmas baubles, they made a great job of them. We will try to take pictures of the hall if we can to show you. Here is some of the decorations we made.

Merry Christmas Santy Reindeer Christmas TreeChristmas Crafts

We also made a snowman out of cups (we’re not sure how many we used but there must be over a 200 hundred!) We haven’t had time to make his hat yet but we thought he was too fragile to take down to the hall so he sits in our classroom instead! 🙂 Here he is…

Our Snowman

Miss Nicholson brought in an advent calendar so each morning she uses the lolly sticks to see who gets to open the drawer for that day. We’re lucky we have 25 pupils in the class and there is exactly 25 days on the advent calendar.

Advent Calendar


We also have a different kind of advent calendar. Miss Nicholson created a 25 Random Acts of Christmas Kindness. We check this every morning and try to see if we can do them!

25 Random acts of christmas Kindness

One of Santa’s robins has appeared in our classroom to make sure we are being good! He is there one minute and then he disappears sometimes so he must be reporting back to santa! When he comes back he is in a different place so we don’t know where he is all the time.

Santa's robin (2) Santa's robin

Trip to the museum to learn about James Robertson

Today we went to the Shetland museum to look at the exhibition on James Robertson. He is the Shetlander who put Jamaica on the map. He was the youngest boy of 10 children. He lived in a croft house in Gossabrough, Yell. His family weren’t rich but they weren’t poor. He was very clever. He made several maps of Jamaica and they are really good for the time they were made considering he doesn’t have the technology we have now. After he made the map of Jamaica he went to London and got a painting made of himself as well as buying lots of nice things since he was rich. He wasn’t nice to his nieces and nephews. It took him 12 years to make the map of Aberdeenshire.  He went on trial because the people who asked for the map of Aberdeenshire told him his map was wrong but he had worked on it for 12 years so it would have been right at the time he started. He only had 3 years to make it so they thought they shouldn’t have to pay him, he thought he should be paid for all his work. So they took it to court. He died before his trial so we don’t know who would have won. He died aged 74.