Tag Archives: decision making

Building space rockets

On Thursday the 16th we were asked to get into the same groups that we were in when we made our posters. Miss Nicholson and Miss Morrison told us that we were going to be making space rockets out of junk. It had to be taller than a ruler but smaller than 1 metre. They had gathered a lot of ‘junk’ for us to choose from. We took it in turns for each group member to go to the desk with the ‘junk’ and select one piece at a time that we thought would be good to use for a rocket. Once we gathered enough resources we then began building our rockets.

Today we got to paint our junk model space rockets that we built.

Once we were finished we had to think of a name for our rocket, where our rocket was going and why and who was in the rocket! We had great fun and worked really well in our groups and with other groups as we had to share the masking tape.