Tag Archives: Research

Myths Around the World

Primary 4/5 have been very busy this past few weeks researching myths and legends around the world. Once they gathered all of their research they created a presentation. They had the choice of how they wished to present their information – most groups chose Power Point, although there were a few groups that chose to have a poster alongside their Power Point. We looked at presentation skills before they presented their work to the rest of the class. There were lots of questions asked after each presentation which sparked great discussion within the class.  A lot of hard work was put into their presentation and it showed! Well done P4/5!

Myths and Legends around the world



Today we got into groups of 3 and 4 to begin researching different myths and legends around the world. We are gong to present our findings to the rest of the class next week. Each group was given a different country to look at and we have to find at least 3 different myths/legends that belong to that country. We decided in our groups how we were going to present our findings, most of the groups decided to make Power-points but there are a few posters being made. We have been looking through books and searching the internet to find our information. We discussed copyright and now know how to narrow our search on Google images to know which photos we can use and which ones we cannot.

Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends Myths and Legends