Tuesday 12th September 2017

Another busy day.

The bubble dough had dried up a bit so we added some water and made slime.

We coloured in PJ Masks pictures.

The fire engines and micro machines were popular.

Row, row, row your boat … if you see a crocodile, don’t forget to scream!

Arghh! It’s OK, this crocodile only eats autumn leaves!

Lots of stories today, Elmer, The Hungry Caterpillar and Duck in the Truck as well as the songs CD.

The big bairns went first for drumming and we could watch – and listen – through the door.

Even though it was raining we still wanted to go outside, we had to get our boots on first. We picked leaves for painting and printing and took shelter in the greenhouse until the heavy rain stopped.

We painted with water.

African drumming with Joy.

Drumming video:

At Show and Tell we had lots of smelly things, a bath bomb, bubble bath, perfume, playdough, cloves … and a very cuddly dog. There was lots of sharing and taking turns as well as sniffing and water play!

The bubble slime and the scented water combined made for great sensory play!

We took the tough spot outside to clean it … closely followed by children in wellies to jump and splash!

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