Tag Archives: New pupils

Tuesday 5th September

A much nicer day outside than yesterday so we didn’t need to hold on to each other to stop us blowing away!

The big bairns were out playing so we joined in.

Sand play, we made a beach!

We welcomed a new pupil.

We watched the ferry coming in and waved to the captain. He waved back and tooted the horn.

Drawing pictures



Can you spot the grapes in Oliver’s photograph?

We picked grapes to have at snack time!

Having fun in the playhouse.

“This is my calendar and I have crosses for the times when we were here.”

We had a visit from Joy and her African drums. We drummed, sang and danced. We had to do good listening and take turns. We even did counting in French, Spanish and Shetland dialect.

Video of us dancing:


We listened to The Magic Porridge Pot story.

We had show and tell today. This tool box plays music!

Thursday 24th August 2017

Look what we’ve been doing today.

The rain poured down but we were determined to get out. We put on the waterproofs and had a great time playing on the newly finished pirate ship.

We welcomed another new pupil to nursery today.

Mrs Marshall got some new sand for us to play with. We did some raking and made sand castles.

More outside play in the rain and the puddles.

We had 2 star bakers today. The cookies were delicious

Monday 21st August 2017

What we did today:

We welcomed some more bairns into the nursery.

We harvested broad beans we have been growing in the planter outside. “They are furry on the inside.”

We cut the beans in half so we could share them st snack time.

We chose some books from the library to take home.

We took the playdough outside. It was too dry and crumbly so we tried adding some more oil to it. We practised cutting the playdough with scissors.

We tried to have a story outside but the midges got the better of us and we had to stop!

There were fewer midges up in the garden so we went to play there.

“I want to go on the motorbike but the engine is not working.”

“Look, I’m up in da tree!”

We we made collage pictures to take home.

Mrs Odie helped us to harvest carrots from the plant  pot outside too. We tried some and all agreed they tasted yummy.