Tag Archives: Sharing

Thursday 5th October 2017

What a windy day. There was lots of outside play today but not so many pictures. We spent a long time in Primary 1-3 while they were out on a trip.

Matching numbers, counting and drawing.

Sharing the pins and hammers.

“Snap, snap”

Using careful hand eye coordination.

We made a car wash for the trucks.

Playing with number mats and being pirates.

We listened to some new songs and joined in with old favourites. Here we are singing 5 little monkeys.

We listened to Oi frog and Megs Veg.

Making a fruit salad in Primary 1.

We found lots of letters and numbers in Primary 1-3.

We are great helpers.

We took turns to hold he puppets and sing some nursery rhymes.

Twinkle, twinkle is ones of our favourites. What is yours?

Wednesday 4th October 2017

Lots of visiting today.

Sharing the outdoor space with Primary 1-3.



Mixing, chopping and stirring. Making ice cream.

Choosing flavours and flakes.

Sorting out the money for the parlour.

Washing our sand toys.

We had a trip to Primary 1-3 and they came to visit our room.

Number games on the big board.

We have borrowed the duplo from P 1-3.

Friday 29th September 2017

What a windy day!

Playing a game on th iPad. Choosing characters and dressing them up.

Some children from Primary 1 and 2 came to join us.

Parking the cars in the garage.

Helping us to learn to count.

Washing the dishes.

Making icecreams for everyone. Asking what they wanted and making it just right.

“How much does it cost?”

Even the crocodile wanted an ice cream.

We even managed to get outside for a run.



Some tap, tap, tapping with the little hammers.

Thursday 28th September 2017

We were only outside for a short while today, it was so windy!

Mr Potato Head getting a new face.

Choosing colours for some beautiful butterflies.

Making picture together.

Finding somewhere dry to chat.

“It feels tickly.” (The wind)

Making a cone for our icecreams.

Very careful colouring.

Getting a little help.

Taking turns with our toys.

“We’re going round and round.”

Some more colour choosing.

Making a road for the cars.

Washing the dishes.

Making some trees to go with the “treasure castle”.

Snack time and a story about pants!

Making sure all the cars have a space.

Making a line and counting all the people.


We went to the hall for some big movement. Running, jumping, catching, throwing, balancing and stepping.

Thursday 21st September 2017

Baking day.

Encouraging independence, posting our pictures to take home.


Sensory experiences in the kinetic sand.

Making dinosaur sounds.

Building a wall.

“We’re pirates.”

Getting rigged up for a rainy day.

We had Princesses and bandits.

Measuring carefully.

Taking turns with mixing.

“The yellow bits are making it quite sticky.”

Working together so everyone got a shot of the mobilo.

Adding some extra pieces to the helicopter.

Lots of measuring with different sized containers.

We take turns to be the helper. Counting how many bairns today, finding their placemat. Are there enough chairs, cups and plates?

Then we ask our friends to wash their hands and come for their snack.

We made pancakes today.

“I’m a pirate captain. We are going to Shetland pirate school.”

Our work experience helper playing a game of football with us.

The sand got drier and we scraped it up.

The sand outside was a bit wet.

Wednesday 20th September 2017

What a busy day! We had the Playvan here this morning and the under fives group came to play too. We also had visits from Primaries 1-3.



Before the playvan we had a play in nursery. We’re still building towers -and enjoying knocking them down again.

We are enjoying trying out the dressing up clothes.

Trying out the nursery resources while looking forward to starting soon.

Sean had loads of stuff in the van and set it up for us.

Cars and farm …

playdough … we made pizzas, pancakes and people, a really ‘p’ activity!

Soft play …


“These are rusty rivets.”


Turning a piece of equipment into stairs.

Learning what size arch the car will fit under …

Snack and a story in the nursery.

Back for more fun, lots of parental involvement.

Magnets are great fun, whatever your age!

Peerie ones  enjoyed playing together.

Great interaction, sharing, imaginative play and FUN!

Who needs dolls?

Not sure that car will be safe in the volcano ….

Parent comments:

“Thanks for having wis, we really look forward to our days with you.”

“It’s been super!”

“I’ve missed you!” (Parent of a P1 with no one currently at nursery)


Friday 15th September

A noisy, busy day today.


“It’s a new Holland.”

We went to Edinburgh and Shetland.

“Yucky goo.”

We found 3 slugs and lots of slaters.

Discussing where the eye should go on Elmer. Up, up, up!

That’s  it!

A pet picnic.

We planted up our avocado.

Mixing, filling, pouring and banging.

Dressing up.

Stories and rhymes and puzzles.

Drawing and colouring.

Playing in the fire station.

Cleaning the tray after the aqua beads were emptied.


Very noisy learning. We noticed if we banged the table the rice moved. We moved it right into the middle of the table. Someone was watching closely, “it’s jumping.”

Lots of taking turns and sharing to finish off our morning.


Thursday 14th September

Another busy morning.

Coloured rice in the tuff spot was mixed, poured, transported and scooped.

Discussions about all the mini cars.

“Let’s do it together.”

Rice cakes with a cherry on top.

Matching and sorting and posting shapes.

We’re at McDonalds making milk shakes, fish and chips.

We looked at some rainbows and decided which colours we needed and which order too.

Making sure it’s right.

Getting ready for outside play in the rain.

Was there enough wind for the kite to fly?

We needed to mix up some of the colours we needed today.

After lots of running….it flew!

“Let’s bury it.”

Controlling the paint brush to make the shape.

“We made a game called jumping.”

Many rainbows.

“H for Honda.”

Today we had a tractor, ship, ambulance and fire engine.

Building a wall.

Taking turns and sharing.



A little game of chasing.

We started a band.


The jcb and taxi.

The story today was about Elmer and we sang Tiny Tim and 5 little ducks.

Tuesday 12th September 2017

Another busy day.

The bubble dough had dried up a bit so we added some water and made slime.

We coloured in PJ Masks pictures.

The fire engines and micro machines were popular.

Row, row, row your boat … if you see a crocodile, don’t forget to scream!

Arghh! It’s OK, this crocodile only eats autumn leaves!

Lots of stories today, Elmer, The Hungry Caterpillar and Duck in the Truck as well as the songs CD.

The big bairns went first for drumming and we could watch – and listen – through the door.

Even though it was raining we still wanted to go outside, we had to get our boots on first. We picked leaves for painting and printing and took shelter in the greenhouse until the heavy rain stopped.

We painted with water.

African drumming with Joy.

Drumming video:

At Show and Tell we had lots of smelly things, a bath bomb, bubble bath, perfume, playdough, cloves … and a very cuddly dog. There was lots of sharing and taking turns as well as sniffing and water play!

The bubble slime and the scented water combined made for great sensory play!

We took the tough spot outside to clean it … closely followed by children in wellies to jump and splash!

Continue reading Tuesday 12th September 2017

Friday 8th September

Look at what we’ve been doing today.

Colouring characters.

Playing fireman. “I don’t want my photo taken unless it’s real fire.”


Fine motor play with tiny vehicles.

Sorting, matching and counting.

We found some water to splash in.

Using our fine motor skills to control paint droppers.

Going to school on the boat.

Setting the table for snack. Does everyone have a mat?

At Macdonalds in Edinburgh.

Finding out about dinosaurs.

PE in the hall.

Playing games, listening to and following instructions and taking turns.

We buddied up with the big boys and girls and had playtime with them.