Tag Archives: Music

Wednesday 25th October 2017

Welcome back!

We were all happy to be back at nursery.

Wax candle pictures.

We can write our names on our pictures.

We have started our topic on light and dark.

We played outside between the showers. We saw some nice rainbows with all of the colours in them.

We had some good rhythms going on.

Lots of pouring and filling int the sparkly water tray.

The nursery band.

Which nut fits on to which bolt?

We can match up numbers to dots.

“Pigs digger.”


“Look I can mak it spin!”

Staff: “Do you want to write your name in the soap?”

Bairns: “No, we just want to make a mess!”

“Messy hands!”

Fairy lights in the dark den.

“See how strong we are.”

We made up a cleaning song while cleaning the windows.

*Reminder: show and tell for tomorrow is “something from the holidays.”*

Thursday 5th October 2017

What a windy day. There was lots of outside play today but not so many pictures. We spent a long time in Primary 1-3 while they were out on a trip.

Matching numbers, counting and drawing.

Sharing the pins and hammers.

“Snap, snap”

Using careful hand eye coordination.

We made a car wash for the trucks.

Playing with number mats and being pirates.

We listened to some new songs and joined in with old favourites. Here we are singing 5 little monkeys.

We listened to Oi frog and Megs Veg.

Making a fruit salad in Primary 1.

We found lots of letters and numbers in Primary 1-3.

We are great helpers.

We took turns to hold he puppets and sing some nursery rhymes.

Twinkle, twinkle is ones of our favourites. What is yours?

2nd October 2017

Look at what we did today:

We took pictures of each other taking pictures!

We built a jumping place.

We took turns at jumping over it.

“Look how peerie da water beads are noo!”

We painted some Autumn trees

We found a big puddle. We jumped in it.

It was even big enough for the duck to swim in.

“Can we dress up?”

We played hunt the duck.

We are learning to care for our teeth.

We listened to the duck song and the wonky donkey song in the iPad. We thought they were very funny songs!

Please can you ensure all snack money for the term is paid by the end of this week. Thank you.

Wednesday 27th September 2017

We’ve had a bit of a musical theme going on today.

We learned about symmetry today when we painted butterflies for our Elmer wall display.

We painted some small butterflies and some very large butterflies!

Oliver made some vegetable soup in the playhouse outside.

“What can I cook now?”

“I want tae mak more butterflies.”

“Can I have some water to make a cup of tea?”

One of the large butterflies. We think it looks amazing.

Mrs Odie brought in her ice cream making machine. We all helped to make chocolate ice cream.

We mixed in coconut milk, honey, vanilla and cocoa powder.

“Can I look at the machine? Waw!”

Now time to taste the ice cream with some fruit at snack time. Delicious!

Look at how many butterflies we have made!

We read a funny story about pants!

Tuesday 26th September 2017

It was a day for visitors today, Elizabeth was back for more toothbrushing and Joy came for African drumming.

Mrs Marshall spent some time in nursery this morning. We helped her with her counting.

Brushing teeth.

Singing an African song.

Show and Tell (or Fun and Tell as Leah calls it!). We had to bring something yellow today. We also sang ‘Wind the bobbin up’.

We played outside with the primary bairns.

We went up to the garden. We picked a tomato 🍅 in the greenhouse to share and pulled up carrots. We each took a carrot 🥕 home.

It’s a good job we put our boots on, the tattie patch had been dug over and we enjoyed jumping around on it.

Caroline’s’ cat came to visit us too.

We watched the ferry load up a van and a truck and then watched it leave. We waved and the captain tooted the horn for us.

Reuben took this photo of his friend.

‘Look at me!’


Friday 22nd September 2017

An outside, inside, outside day!

The sand was still wet and sticky.

We found a wiggly worm and put it in the bug hotel.

Talking about what the vehicle is and where it is going.

Using something new to make pictures.

Discussing who lives in the castle.

Making a friend for Elmer.

An Elmer story at snack time.

Playing out instruments outside, even a little bit of marching too.

Sharing the lego and taking turns.

Measuring and filling.

Lots of running in the wind.

Playing number games with the parachute. How many times can we go around? Using a die to count how many balls to put on the chute and try to keep up.

Matching the pieces to make a man from the picture.

More building.

A pirate and a spiderman pirate shared the wheel.

Lots of hand eye coordination being used.

Pirate burgers!

“It’s pink juice.”

Weaving the strings.

Tuesday 19th September 2017

More clatch today!

We made moon sand with 4 cups of sand, 2 cups of cornflour, some water and lots of gold glitter.

We dressed up and played at being firefighters after the toy dragon set the pirate ship alight. Joey discovered the fire extinguisher could be filled with water and everyone had a good time squirting it. We set the timer on the iPad to help us take turns.


Some of the other dressing up clothes were used today too.

We are still enjoying working together to make tall towers.

We looked at the colours and number patterns on the dominoes.

Ball balancing!

Joy was back for some more African drumming.

Video of our drumming:


We danced like different African animals.

“I’m painting a picture for Mam.”

We added water to the sandpit to make a “muddy puddle” for the truck to go in.

We chose whether to do show and tell or go up to the garden today.

Monkeys in a tree (complete with sound effects).

Turn taking at being the ice cream seller. Lots of flavours, including melon and chocolate chip!


REMINDER – The play van is here from 10-12 tomorrow, all under fives welcome.

Thursday 14th September

Another busy morning.

Coloured rice in the tuff spot was mixed, poured, transported and scooped.

Discussions about all the mini cars.

“Let’s do it together.”

Rice cakes with a cherry on top.

Matching and sorting and posting shapes.

We’re at McDonalds making milk shakes, fish and chips.

We looked at some rainbows and decided which colours we needed and which order too.

Making sure it’s right.

Getting ready for outside play in the rain.

Was there enough wind for the kite to fly?

We needed to mix up some of the colours we needed today.

After lots of running….it flew!

“Let’s bury it.”

Controlling the paint brush to make the shape.

“We made a game called jumping.”

Many rainbows.

“H for Honda.”

Today we had a tractor, ship, ambulance and fire engine.

Building a wall.

Taking turns and sharing.



A little game of chasing.

We started a band.


The jcb and taxi.

The story today was about Elmer and we sang Tiny Tim and 5 little ducks.

Tuesday 12th September 2017

Another busy day.

The bubble dough had dried up a bit so we added some water and made slime.

We coloured in PJ Masks pictures.

The fire engines and micro machines were popular.

Row, row, row your boat … if you see a crocodile, don’t forget to scream!

Arghh! It’s OK, this crocodile only eats autumn leaves!

Lots of stories today, Elmer, The Hungry Caterpillar and Duck in the Truck as well as the songs CD.

The big bairns went first for drumming and we could watch – and listen – through the door.

Even though it was raining we still wanted to go outside, we had to get our boots on first. We picked leaves for painting and printing and took shelter in the greenhouse until the heavy rain stopped.

We painted with water.

African drumming with Joy.

Drumming video:

At Show and Tell we had lots of smelly things, a bath bomb, bubble bath, perfume, playdough, cloves … and a very cuddly dog. There was lots of sharing and taking turns as well as sniffing and water play!

The bubble slime and the scented water combined made for great sensory play!

We took the tough spot outside to clean it … closely followed by children in wellies to jump and splash!

Continue reading Tuesday 12th September 2017