Tuesday 29th August 2017

We were very busy today!

Lotti had asked for the garage and cars and we all played with it today.

It was really windy and we played outside. We ran and played on the pirate ship, we drew on the blackboards and climbed on the climbing frame. We even tried flying our kite.

We emptied the washing machine and hung up the washing.

We printed pictueres using tatties.

We mixed paints in a bag to make new colours.

The vehicles were sorted by type today instead of by colour.

We played with Silly Soap.

We loved the Octons and Oliver asked if they could go on the interest table. We also swapped the number jigsaw for the Ten in a Bed Teddies. We used the teddies to count with and recognise numbers.

Show and Tell was ‘Our Favourite Toy’ there was some good talking, listening and turn taking.

We listened to The Very Hungry Caterpillar at snack time.