Tuesday 22nd August

First thing this morning the whole school went to the beach.

Testing the depth of the water …

Throwing stones to make a splash … or three!

Collecting and counting shells.



Paddling and finding things under the water …

We had two stories at snack time. One was a counting story and some good counting and number recognition took place.

After snack we took toys outside along with the bikes. Too nice a day to be in – and no midgies!

Problem solving, when you can’t pedal with two people, pull!

Finding out it’s better to be in the middle when you’re on a see saw on your own.

Show and tell, something from the summer, souvenirs, photos and stories!

When we were in the garden we picked a small bunch of juicy grapes from the greenhouse, yum!


Please remember there is no nursery tomorrow because of a power cut. Could anyone who still has forms to return please do so asap.