Our first try with the laptops

Today P2/3 ventured up to the ICT Suite to use the laptops. There was much excitement, as for many this was their first time.

Yesterday they were split into 5 groups, each group focusing on researching information for 1 food group. They then wrote this up in their own words and today we were going to learn how to put this into a word document!

The whole class worked so well to ensure that they were able to listen to the instructions clearly – there were a lot of new words and actions introduced today. Everybody was able to open a word document, use capital letters, spaces and full stops and change to a new line. Some were even able to look at changing the font of their text and it’s size. At the end of their session we looked at saving our document in our very own folder on the school network.

Considering this was their first trip to the ICT Suite they did a fantastic job and worked well on ensuring that they were not interrupting the classes next door. A lot of learning took place today and I’m very proud of what they have all been able to achieve – well done to all in P2/3!

Honorary teacher for the session

Today in P2/3 we had an honorary teacher taking part of the maths group who were discussing time. A pupil was away last week and missed some key details and as a class we nominated a pupil to present what they had been learning in the previous week.


She was able to explain the differences and key features of both an analogue and digital clock and how we can show o’clock and half past using the two methods. She than explained how to complete the key pages that they missed in their activity book.


What a super job she did, a potential teacher for the future! We all look forward to having more opportunities to be an honorary teacher in the future.


On Monday we had a visit from the school nurse to discuss and show us how to ensure that we are washing our hands properly – a timely visit given that we are approaching the time of year when bugs start to surface.

We discussed the various points throughout the day that we should wash our hands and why it is important to wash them properly, to reduce the spread of germs from person to person. Nicola demonstrated the correct way to wash our hands, trying to remember to get all of the key areas, she mentioned that the area round the finger nails were the key point that most people miss.

In groups, we were given a special cream to rub all over our hands (to act like the germs) when we placed our hands in the special light box after the cream we could see all the places the germs get to when you rub your hands. Following the instructions Nicola gave us, we then washed our hands to see if we could remove these bugs. When we went back to the special light box we hoped to see no evidence of bugs under the light. Most of us managed to remove all of the germs after a thorough hand wash. Let’s hope that this continues throughout our future hand washing and we’ll try to keep those nasty germs away and stay happy and healthy.



Today we had a fabulous discussion relating to remembrance. We raised issues of why wars start, why the poppy is significant and whether people have learnt anything throughout the many conflicts we have faced throughout the years.


We were made aware of the significance of the humble Jelly Baby and why that can also be used a symbol of peace. The class were all given a Jelly Baby as we watched an animation on remembrance and we discussed our thoughts and feelings afterwards.


Each pupil then contributed a leaf and poppy to our class wreath, which is now proudly displayed on the classroom door.