Sit Spot and Story

“It’s a skill as old as time—to go out into nature, find amazing things and bring them back to your tribe. But it’s not enough to lay down your find and hope your people understand, you have to share how you found it and what happened inside your heart when you did.”

A. MacKelvie

Encouraging the mindful practice of sitting still and quiet in one spot can be so rewarding, as wildlife gets to know you and starts interacting with you. Telling the stories of what happened in your daily sit spot deepens the experience and connects us all together – especially important in these COVID times.

Sit Spot and Story encourages children and young people to feed birds, find a daily sit spot and observe the birds in Shetland then to tell the story of what they have observed. The following links and ideas can be used for children and young people of any age:

Sit Spot Story_guidance


BGBW Shetland bird ID

Big Schools’ Birdwatch registration is now open and this year is even more exciting as we are offering live lessons in partnership with BBC Two’s Winterwatch.

Check out the link below to find out more about the live lessons…/big-schools-winterwatch…/zv8vn9q

For those teachers delivering some form of in school learning, to register to take part in Big Schools’ Birdwatch follow the link below…/for-teachers/schools-birdwatch/

For those doing home learning, families can take part in Big Garden Birdwatch by following this link…/for…/schools-birdwatch/…]