Tag Archives: Teamwork

Spring Task Force

Our end of term Task Force afternoon was a great success with all Primary pupils enjoying their Spring craft making.  Mrs Scott works hard to make sure we have lovely things to make and working in our teams means we can all help each other.









Our display is bright and colourful and will give us something beautiful to come back

to after the Easter holidays.


P2/3 Topic work with P7

Today P7 came through to our classroom to help the P2/3s do some topic work. Our class split into 9 groups, and with the help of a P7, each group researched a different Viking God. We spent 20 minutes looking for interesting facts, and for the second 20 minutes, P7 showed P2/3 how to make a PowerPoint. By the end of topic time we managed to get all 9 PowerPoints saved for the P2/3s to present in class next week. It was great to see everyone working so well together. Thanks a lot to the very helpful Primary 7s!

Primary 1&2 made a calendar

We are thinking about time this term and decided to make a calendar.

Primary 2 made the grid part of the calendar and had to think about the year, month names, days of the week and the number of days in each month.  They worked really hard together to complete all 12 months for our calendar.

Primary 1 thought about months, seasons, weather and special events then designed a picture for each month.

We now have a calendar in the P1/2 and P2/3 classroom to look at and use.

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The 5 senses

Primary 2/3 have been learning about the 5 senses. The 5 senses are taste, hearing, sight, smell and touch.

” When we were doing our sense of taste we had dis peerie cotton buds and den we had to taste dem and they wir bitter, sweet, sour, salty. I liked the sweet taste the best” by Ashley.

“When we were learning about the sense of hearing we watched a play and it was folk fa south that came to the school to learn us about the sense of hearing. The girl Jazz was very funny”. By Geordie.

” when we were learning about the sense of smell, there was different smells inside cups. We had to smell the cups and quests what the smell was and write it down. One was orange and another was honey and strawberry shampoo and the other one was banana. There was also onion in it too. I enjoyed this activity” by Lorns.

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Space seeds

Last week primary 6/7 got space seeds. Some of the class were away on a school trip to Edinburgh. So the secondary 3 pupils planted the seeds for us. Every week a small group of people go to the green house to water the seeds and turn them every second day. We are keeping a record of how many seeds have germinated, we have colours  for the seeds, some blue and some red. 83 seeds from the red side have germinated, and 62 from the blue side. We don’t know which seeds have been in space. We all wrote our hypothesis on which have gone up to space and which have not.    by Asia, Holly, Shay and Scott  IMG_0636 IMG_0637 IMG_0638 IMG_0639

Mini gym

Primary 2/3 topic is the Olympics. We have turned the house corner into a mini gym.

“We can pretend we are training for the Olympics because we have dumbbells, mats and a step” By Emily

“Primary 2/3 have their own exercise booklets. Every week when we go in the mini gym we write down what exercise we have been doing” By Gene

“We made our own membership cards for the mini gym. We wrote our names on the cards and a membership number and our date of birth. Mrs Mouat laminated them” By Ailidh

“We enjoy going in the mini gym because it is lots of fun” by Emily, Gene and Ailidh.

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