Tag Archives: problem solving


We have started to learn about adding.  We know that you have 2 numbers and you put them together and see how many it makes.

We have enjoyed learning about all the astronauts that have been in space and on the moon, making little astronauts, the sand pit, junk models, maxi-fun and playing with the pipets.

We are learning about Space this term.  We are looking forward to learning about the planets and making our big space rocket.  We will also be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.




Primary 1&2 made a calendar

We are thinking about time this term and decided to make a calendar.

Primary 2 made the grid part of the calendar and had to think about the year, month names, days of the week and the number of days in each month.  They worked really hard together to complete all 12 months for our calendar.

Primary 1 thought about months, seasons, weather and special events then designed a picture for each month.

We now have a calendar in the P1/2 and P2/3 classroom to look at and use.

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Primary 1 learn about halves and quarters

We made and decorated paper cakes.

We each decided whether we were going to cut our cake into half or quarter.

We know that each half or quarter needs to be exactly the same size.

We folded the paper to find the middle.

When we cut 1 whole into half, we end up with 2 bits.

When we cut 1 whole into quarters, we end up with 4 bits.



Maths problem solving

imageimageimageimageimageimagePrimary 2/3 have been working very hard to solve maths problems.

” We have been finding out different ways to make the number 14 and 16 using ladybirds” by Edyn

“We worked with a partner to see how many different ways we could make 24. Some examples are: 12+12=24, 20+4=24, 12×2=24. We found out lots and lots of different ways to make 24” by Carlene

“We had to use 2 numbers to find the largest even number, the largest odd number, the smallest odd number and the number closest to 50″ by Oliver

” Problem solving was fantastic, hard and good” 😄 By Edyn, Oliver and Carlene.

Junk Rockets

This week at school we have been making rockets out of junk as part of our space topic. Pupils have been bringing in junk to create the rockets for a week. We made a planner of how it would look and how we would create it. We looked at pictures of other space ships and got inspiration from them. At the end we will evaluate them. Some people used paper mache or masking tape to cover their bottles that the are using as the rocket. We think they will all look very good at the end.                             Written by Ewen and Iona.image image image