Tag Archives: science

Smoking kills

On Monday Jill Hood came in to tell us the effects of smoking. She gave us leaflets about some of the chemicals in cigarettes. she told us that methanol, one of the chemicals in cigarettes can cause blindness and death. She also told us that the average smokers get a lager jarful of tar in there lungs every year. She had brought in a set of pigs lungs to show us how they work. She had forgotten the pump that makes them expand so we got her anti-septic wipes so that she could blow into them and she blew lungs and they expanded and when she didn’t they went in again. The black lung was the smokers lungs. By Shona H

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Are you a supertaster?

Have you ever heard of supertasters? This week, pupils in primary 4,5,6 & 7 were investigating.

Supertasters experience bitter tastes more strongly than other people because they have a higher number of taste receptors within their fungiform papillae – the big pink bumps on your tongue which contain your taste buds.

By counting the number of fungiform papillae on a tongue, you can determine whether someone is a supertaster, a taster or a non-taster.

We did an experiment to find out.

Our results:

We discover that 20% of pupils were ‘non-tasters’, 54% were ‘tasters’ and 26% were ‘supertasters’.

We can’t wait to try the next experiment with…

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Planting trees and opera

Planting trees

Last week on Wednesday we were planting trees on the old hockey pitch. We planted around 150 trees. It is part of going for our John Muir Award. We are trying to make our school grounds nicer. It was hard to dig in some areas but it was good fun. We had to to cut two shovel widths across and turn the patch over and then cut a cross  in the middle and put the tree in.

On Monday four people from Scottish opera came up to Shetland to do a performance called Fever! It was about a boy that got a fever. Schools from Nesting, Happyhansel, Whiteness and Skeld joined us. We were in three groups, the first group was the medics, the second group were the bad bacteria and there was the immune system good bactiria and the press. We really enjoyed taking part.

By Rhys and Peter


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Ancient Greece – science

On Wednesday we made Archimedes screws out of plastic bottles, tubes and wire. First we had to get a bottle and some wire and plastic hoops. We put the hoops onto the bottle to hold the wire. Then we tied the pipe onto the bottle with the wire in a spiral. Then we put baking soda and vinegar into the bottle to make them expand and tougher. We took them outside and tried them out using basins of water. We found that the water always went to the lowest point and towards the top.

Then we set up mirrors in a semi-circle to reflect the sun onto a thermometer that told us how hot is was getting. It got hotter and colder as the clouds came and went. We had to keep adjusting the mirrors. The hottest we could get it was 39.5 degrees. The coldest was 12 degrees. by primary 6 & 7


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The 5 senses

Primary 2/3 have been learning about the 5 senses. The 5 senses are taste, hearing, sight, smell and touch.

” When we were doing our sense of taste we had dis peerie cotton buds and den we had to taste dem and they wir bitter, sweet, sour, salty. I liked the sweet taste the best” by Ashley.

“When we were learning about the sense of hearing we watched a play and it was folk fa south that came to the school to learn us about the sense of hearing. The girl Jazz was very funny”. By Geordie.

” when we were learning about the sense of smell, there was different smells inside cups. We had to smell the cups and quests what the smell was and write it down. One was orange and another was honey and strawberry shampoo and the other one was banana. There was also onion in it too. I enjoyed this activity” by Lorns.

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