All posts by Mrs Moffat


This week we learned about Spotty 7, ‘g’ and ‘o.’  We are still learning about space and making some space crafts.

This week we have enjoyed making our space rocket and we loved getting our new outdoor suits.  We also enjoyed baking and eating Max’s birthday cake.

Next week we will have all new play activities and learning 2 new sounds and a new number in Number Zoo.


We have started to learn about adding.  We know that you have 2 numbers and you put them together and see how many it makes.

We have enjoyed learning about all the astronauts that have been in space and on the moon, making little astronauts, the sand pit, junk models, maxi-fun and playing with the pipets.

We are learning about Space this term.  We are looking forward to learning about the planets and making our big space rocket.  We will also be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.




Primary 1 Learning (B)log – Week 7

This week we have  been finding jewels and gems in the sandpit.  We have learned the sounds m and d and Snappy Six.  We made line drawings of our houses with Mrs Johnston in Art.  We had a visit from Joan, Signe’s Gaggie, to tell us about what school was like when she was little  and also a visit from Yufeng Lei who is going to be coming to our school to help us learn Mandarin.  We have really enjoyed playing with the Lego and thinking about numbers at our challenge table.  We also got 3 new books from Miss Spall which we read in class then voted on which one was our favourite.


Next week we will be thinking about all the sounds that we have learned so far and we will be learning a new number.

P1 – Learning (B)log – Week 6

This week we have learned the sounds r and h and Frisky 5.  We learned about making shoeboxes for the children who don’t have any toys.  We went to Art with Mrs Johnston, Fun Fit with Mrs Murray and worked with all the big boys and girls in Task Force.


This week we have enjoyed making 100 piece jigsaws, playing in the sandpit, Lego,  jelly in the water tray and Show and Tell.


Next week we will be learning 2 new sounds, a new number, continuing with our reading and lots of new play activities.

Week 5 – Primary 1 – Learning (B)log

This week we have learned our new sounds – ‘e’, ‘c’ and ‘k.’  We learned about Feathery 4  and then we made some peacock fans.  We have thought about day and night and also looked at how children’s lives have changed from over 100 years ago.

We really enjoyed Roald Dahl day.  We had pink eggs for dinner, painted Roly-Poly Birds and had a fun time up in the library.  We liked playing in the sand tray and making lots of models.  We have enjoyed balancing on the wobble boards, dressing up in the Spanish dress using the castanets “ck, ck, ck” and we have loved sharing some of our favourite books from home with the class.

Next week we would like to make sticky pictures, play with the toy garage and cars, play with Lego and some jelly in the water tray.




This week we have learned the ‘n’ sound and all about Butterfly 3.  We have been listening to Roald Dahl’s story of the Enormous Crocodile and enjoyed a pop-up French story about Boucle D’or.


This week we have enjoyed doing Show and Tell, crafting, the morning walk, the playdough challenge, making words with our sounds and drawing with the chalk pens.


Next week we would like to learn how to count forwards and backwards, make some playdough and make it sparkly, learn about Feathery Four and learn some more sounds.

A Visit to P1/2 by Nurse Lynn

We had a fantastic visit from Nurse Lynn today who told us all about the jobs that nurses have to do.  She brought in lots of equipment for us to look at and use.  We had a baby clinic, weight & height checks, things to check our lung and oxygen levels as well as bandages, syringes and other items a nurse would use.

“It was really good fun”

“It was interesting to learn what nurses do”

“It was fantastic!”

Primary 1&2 made a calendar

We are thinking about time this term and decided to make a calendar.

Primary 2 made the grid part of the calendar and had to think about the year, month names, days of the week and the number of days in each month.  They worked really hard together to complete all 12 months for our calendar.

Primary 1 thought about months, seasons, weather and special events then designed a picture for each month.

We now have a calendar in the P1/2 and P2/3 classroom to look at and use.

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