All posts by Mrs Moffat


After weeks of careful planning and preparation, the day of Megan and Harry’s wedding had finally come last Friday.  Everybody in Primaries 1 and 2 had a busy morning getting ready.

The guests, ushers and bridal party were ready to go.

Everybody began to arrive at the church.

Followed by the groom, his bestmen, pageboys and father of the bride.

Finally the bride, her bridesmaids and flowergirls arrived.

Reverend Dobby led a lovely wedding service.


Time to leave the church and enjoy the confetti!

We then went back to the school for our reception.

The day was complete with a disco/dance to GTL.

We had a fantastic day and were extremely grateful to Reverend Dobby, Ray and Betty Ferrie and Duncan for helping to make our day so special.


Week 3 in Primary 1

In Primary 1 this week we have learned our new phonic blend – ng.  We were strongmen and strongwomen and made the sound as we lifted up the VERY heavy weight! 🙂

Within our topic of Journeys, we were learning about directions.  We learned how to tell our left from our right by finding the ‘L’ on our left hand then went outside to give directions to each other.

We learned about North, South, East and West and Mr Spence came in with a very old compass and 4 smaller handheld ones.  We went outside and found which way pointed North then all the other directions.

The courtyard was one of our play activities this week and we enjoyed playing with the Early Years children.  The weather was lovely all week until Friday, but that didn’t stop us!

No morning walk this morning but instead we did some yoga in class.  Today we were Spidermen & Spiderwomen.




What a busy time we’ve had in Primary 2 preparing for our special visitors!

Well done Primary 2 for preparing the menu and writing out the invitations for Primary 1.  We made chocolate crispies and fairy cakes and really enjoyed baking them.  Everybody worked hard and took their time to make the really yummy food.

Here’s what Primary 1 had to say about the picnic:

“I liked the cakes”    “I liked the gummy worms”   “I liked the Haribos”   “It was the best picnic EVER!”  “It was good that they had healthy food”    “I liked playing with the primary 2s in their class”    “Primary 2 were great bakers!”    “Thank you very much primary 2”


What a busy day we’ve had in Primary 1.  Lots of people came wearing their pyjamas for Sports Relief and also brought money to buy cakes and give donations.  We started the day with 4 laps of the school along with all the primary and secondary pupils.

Afterwards, as a treat, we had hot chocolate.

Some of us bought cakes from the cake stall.

We then enjoyed watching the 2018 Sports Relief song and we also watched a video about where some of the money raised by Sports Relief goes.

These are some of the things we learned about Daniel;

“Daniel lives in Ghana……he is 10 years old……he has to work 8 hours a day……..he has to go down in a deep, dangerous hole to find gold…….he doesn’t wear any shoes or gloves or hard hat……he has to get money for his family to help get food, medicine and let him go to school…….he only goes to school some days…….he is so happy to go to school.”

Arlene came in with a letter to Paddington all the way from Peru.  It was from his Aunt Lucy.  She said she was really missing him and had sent him a ticket to get home.  We thought about it really carefully and decided that we had to let him go.  He leaves Shetland next Friday.

Finally, it was Cari’s birthday today and she chose 2 bakers to help make a chocolate cake.  It was yummy!

Have a good weekend everyone.


This week in Primary 1 we have learned about teddy bears.  Paddington Bear came all the way from Peru to Shetland and is going to stay with each of us for 2 nights and hopefully have lots of fun adventures.

We wrote about our favourite toy and carefully chose the right coloured paint to paint a picture of the toy.

Mr Rose was in class on Tuesday and made wind powered toys with us.

We have been thinking about  numbers to 20 and also using a number line for addition.

We got our first blended phonic ‘sh’ and have been thinking about things that have that sound in it and also practising writing it.

We have had a number of visitors this week.  Sami who is a French teacher came in to see us on Monday, Mr Lei was in on Wednesday telling us all about the Chinese New Year and told us a story about the animals in the Chinese zodiac.  Then finally, on Wednesday we were really lucky to meet Mrs Simpson who was the first female Guizer Jarl in Shetland and came in to show us her suit and show us lots of photos from her Up Helly Aa.  We all really enjoyed meeting her.



This week we have enjoyed writing using Viking Runes, playing in the galley boat, making clay Viking Longhouses, watching ‘Gudrun: The Viking Princess’ and drawing and painting Viking people.


We have been learning about length and measurement, practising all the phonics we have learned so far, making a toy with Mr Rose which required elastic energy and sharing storysacks with the secondary pupils.

Finally, today we held our toy sale in class.  We were really busy organising for the sale and helping set up the class with assistance from Primary 6.  The sale was a huge success and we raised £132.20.


Happy New Year everybody!  We were all excited coming back to school and it was super to hear everybody’s Christmas news.

We learned a new sound – ‘x’ and played a game where we had to guess the animal x-ray.  We also learned about symmetry and created symmetrical pictures.

We started our mini topic of ‘Up Helly Aas in Shetland’ and have really enjoyed playing in our galley shed with wood, construction toys, books and looking at the jarl squad suits and accessories on display.

We had a super visit from Mr Rose who learned us about balance, stability and gravity.  We made tightrope walker toys which we loved trying to see if they could balance on lots of things in class.

Primary 1 Learning Log, Week 5

This week we have enjoyed making and playing in our new cake shop, finishing our paper mache space helmets, making oxygen backpacks with junk, singing number songs and our Christmas show songs with Primary 2.  We also enjoyed Mandarin with Mr Lei and Fun Fit with Jacqui.

We have been been getting really good at sounding out words using all the sounds/letters we have got so far.  We were introduced to Tiger 10 and have written our weekend news on our own.

Next week we will learn our final number from Number Zoo and move on to the next group of letters in Jolly Phonics.


Primary 1 learning blog

This week we have learned about Amazing 8, working as a team to make astronauts, we learned about ‘u’ and ‘l.’  We learned about Remembrance Day.  We watched a short video and then made poppy pictures.  We made posters to tell people about the importance of not bullying.  We also learned about the Sun.

We have enjoyed playing in the courtyard with the mud kitchen, water and bikes.  We make handprint aliens, space rockets and have really liked playing with the moon sand and the Playmobil space rocket.

Next week we will learn about number 9 and two more sounds.