Week 3 in Primary 1

In Primary 1 this week we have learned our new phonic blend – ng.  We were strongmen and strongwomen and made the sound as we lifted up the VERY heavy weight! 🙂

Within our topic of Journeys, we were learning about directions.  We learned how to tell our left from our right by finding the ‘L’ on our left hand then went outside to give directions to each other.

We learned about North, South, East and West and Mr Spence came in with a very old compass and 4 smaller handheld ones.  We went outside and found which way pointed North then all the other directions.

The courtyard was one of our play activities this week and we enjoyed playing with the Early Years children.  The weather was lovely all week until Friday, but that didn’t stop us!

No morning walk this morning but instead we did some yoga in class.  Today we were Spidermen & Spiderwomen.



Our amazing week

This week Marley and Storm built the Disney castle out of building blocks quit amazing.😱

And in P.E with Mrs Nicholson we did the 200m around the gym hall it was very tiring .😓

And Americans came and played the fiddle,piano,mandalins, and guitar it was very good when they started singing.



By Charlie👺 And Regan👾