What a busy time we’ve had in Primary 2 preparing for our special visitors!

Well done Primary 2 for preparing the menu and writing out the invitations for Primary 1.  We made chocolate crispies and fairy cakes and really enjoyed baking them.  Everybody worked hard and took their time to make the really yummy food.

Here’s what Primary 1 had to say about the picnic:

“I liked the cakes”    “I liked the gummy worms”   “I liked the Haribos”   “It was the best picnic EVER!”  “It was good that they had healthy food”    “I liked playing with the primary 2s in their class”    “Primary 2 were great bakers!”    “Thank you very much primary 2”


What a busy day we’ve had in Primary 1.  Lots of people came wearing their pyjamas for Sports Relief and also brought money to buy cakes and give donations.  We started the day with 4 laps of the school along with all the primary and secondary pupils.

Afterwards, as a treat, we had hot chocolate.

Some of us bought cakes from the cake stall.

We then enjoyed watching the 2018 Sports Relief song and we also watched a video about where some of the money raised by Sports Relief goes.

These are some of the things we learned about Daniel;

“Daniel lives in Ghana……he is 10 years old……he has to work 8 hours a day……..he has to go down in a deep, dangerous hole to find gold…….he doesn’t wear any shoes or gloves or hard hat……he has to get money for his family to help get food, medicine and let him go to school…….he only goes to school some days…….he is so happy to go to school.”

Arlene came in with a letter to Paddington all the way from Peru.  It was from his Aunt Lucy.  She said she was really missing him and had sent him a ticket to get home.  We thought about it really carefully and decided that we had to let him go.  He leaves Shetland next Friday.

Finally, it was Cari’s birthday today and she chose 2 bakers to help make a chocolate cake.  It was yummy!

Have a good weekend everyone.

Something fishy going on!

Today Mrs Moffat  came in with lots of different types of fish because her husband works on a whitefish boat. She came in with lots of fish such as brides groom (dragonet), plaice, lump sucker , monkfish and many more.

Brides groom is a poisonous type of fish that has a fin on its back which has a few big poisonous spikes. We learned lots about fish around Shetland. By Shona and Catherine P7


The drama festival

On Tuesday the Secondary play “The crooked finger” was in the garrison at the drama festival. the crooked finger was done by Asia Manson, Shay Polson, Emma Deyell and Holly Irvine and in the end they got a trophy.

On Thursday p4-p7 did a play called “suspicion”  it was about a school in Shetland and a girl being suspected of stealing things. we did it the garrison for the drama festival and we won for the best Shetland junior dialect.

Scotland topic

This term we have been learning all about Scotland.

First we coloured in and labelled a giant map of Scotland. We have learned about different castles in Scotland then used clay to create our own castles. We found out information about Robert Burns then typed up our own poems using Scottish dialect. We found this a bit tricky. We read some Our Wullie stories and wrote our own Our Wullie comic strip.  We all enjoyed making shortbread and yesterday we finished off our newspaper reports about the Loch Ness monster. P7 are also coming in on Mondays to help us make PowerPoint presentations about Scotland.

By Connall and Kenzie.