Primary 1 and 2 – Viking Topic

As our Viking topic comes to an end here is a selection of photos to show what the Primary 1 and 2 class have been busy doing.  It includes our visit to Lerwick to see Up Helly Aa, helping to make our own Viking longship which Mrs Nicolson’s son built for us, visits from our very own Vikings and one called Thorfinn Sigurdsson, taking part in Aith Up Helly Aa with Primary 2/3 and making Viking longships and longhouses for our displays in class.


Our trip to the Garrison Theatre

On Thursday the 02-03-17 the classes 4,5,6 and 7 went on a school trip to the museum and the Garrison Theater.

We went to the museum to see some artefacts from the actual Diana of Hull. It was really interesting.

Then we went to rehearse our play. We did it two times. It is called The Story of Diana. This year is the 150th anniversary.

We can’t wait to show you!  Marley and Bethany