P2/3 Topic work with P7

Today P7 came through to our classroom to help the P2/3s do some topic work. Our class split into 9 groups, and with the help of a P7, each group researched a different Viking God. We spent 20 minutes looking for interesting facts, and for the second 20 minutes, P7 showed P2/3 how to make a PowerPoint. By the end of topic time we managed to get all 9 PowerPoints saved for the P2/3s to present in class next week. It was great to see everyone working so well together. Thanks a lot to the very helpful Primary 7s!

Money with P2

Over the past couple of weeks Primary 2 have been learning about money. They have learned what all the different coins are, and even made posters to show to the P3s. Today they had the chance to play shop with Miss Murray, and try to complete money dominoes as a group. They managed to complete 14 dominoes in 5 minutes. They’re going to try and beat their score next week!