Spring Task Force

Our end of term Task Force afternoon was a great success with all Primary pupils enjoying their Spring craft making.  Mrs Scott works hard to make sure we have lovely things to make and working in our teams means we can all help each other.









Our display is bright and colourful and will give us something beautiful to come back

to after the Easter holidays.


‘Diana’ Tait

On the 21st of March Aith Junior High Schools upper primary did a play at the walls hall. It was called The Voyage Of The Diana. I played the part of Christopher Tait and at the show I met Christopher Tait’s granddaughter, Rhoda Tulloch. She said she could remember her grandfather even though he died when she was 4. She said when he came home from the being on the Diana he couldn’t sit down because he was just a sack of skin and bones because he couldn’t sit down he had to sit on some sheeps wool. I live near where Christopher Tait lived.

By Sadie Anderson


Chinese Calligraphy

On Wednesday Wen Ting came in and taught us Chinese calligraphy.


                                                         First, she handed out magic paper and brushes. She showed us how to hold the brush. You had to hold the brush with your hand around into a fist and then put your thumb on the other side. Once we had done that, she showed us how to write yi (one), er (two), san (three), si (four) and wû (five.)

We had a lot of fun doing it. The weird thing was that when you wrote something, and then left it for a while, it would fade away. Wen Ting said you had to be quick when you were writing calligraphy. When I wrote calligraphy, I found that when I wrote calligraphy fast, it was very messy.

by Ishbel and Storm😎

Walls and district Brownie Jarl squad Visit Aith JHS

Don’t they just look fantastic in their Viking finery?  

Fantastic singing and a skilful demonstration of the cup-song too

              Angela showed us the original Jarl shield from 1987.  She was the Jarl the following year, perhaps Ruby might follow in her mum’s footsteps one day.

30 Years on and still going strong, Three Cheers for the Walls Up-Helly-Aa!

Jarl Squad

Today, the Walls Brownie jarl squad came in to visit us. They started by singing some songs. They did the cup song, where some people joined in by using their hands instead of cups. Then they went around and visited our classes. It was very nice to meet them. 🙂


Storm and Ishbel 🙂

P2 trip to the Aith Shop!

Today P2 and Erland had the chance to visit the Aith shop to put what they’ve been learning about money into practice. Miss Murray gave them all post-it notes with a price on it, and they had to match this to a price they found in the shop. Miss Murray took our toy money with them to practice finding the right amount too. They even had the chance to use real money when they bought sugar and bananas for the school! Well done guys!

Chinese Calligraphy

Primary 4/5/6 really enjoyed learning about the art of Chinese calligraphy with Wenting today.


We found out that some very famous Western artists like Matisse and Picasso said aspects of their work had been influenced by Chinese calligraphy.  Picasso was also reputed to say that if he had been born in China he would have been a calligrapher rather than a painter.

We used special paper which needed only water on the brush to write – we had to take the pictures quickly though before the writing disappeared!


We have been experimenting with a new way of doing homework where the pupils have more choice in deciding which homework tasks would be most beneficial to them.  Some of the options are best done little but often whilst other tasks take a bit longer so you might just choose one of this type to do during the week to fit around the other clubs and activities you enjoy doing.  Here is a sample of some of our ‘weekly treat’ tasks the pupils have chosen so far, I am very impressed with the time and effort they have put  into these tasks. Well done P4/5/6!


We have seen some ‘Brilliant Baking’, Terrific ‘Travel Bug’ journey planning, Smashing Roman shields, Magnificent Maths posters, Fantastic play-scripts and a Roman letter translated into Latin – wowzers!

Karen Macelvie visited us again

Karen Macelvie from RSPB came in again as part of the ‘Nature Friendly Schools’ project. She showed us a video about a school in Berlin where they had a ton of awesome equipment, like a splash pool or a huge trail. They said that it was better for kids and their behaviour if at break they were allowed to adventure out of adults supervision.


Inspired by this, we came up with a lot of good ideas. She showed us some pictures of recent projects that she had done. I really liked one of the ideas, which was a bamboo water wall. We narrowed all our ideas down to ones that we all wanted to do. On the 6th of May, Karen will come back in again for action day, where adults and children can bring in materials and make all the things we had planned.

By Ishbel