Are you a supertaster?

Have you ever heard of supertasters? This week, pupils in primary 4,5,6 & 7 were investigating.

Supertasters experience bitter tastes more strongly than other people because they have a higher number of taste receptors within their fungiform papillae – the big pink bumps on your tongue which contain your taste buds.

By counting the number of fungiform papillae on a tongue, you can determine whether someone is a supertaster, a taster or a non-taster.

We did an experiment to find out.

Our results:

We discover that 20% of pupils were ‘non-tasters’, 54% were ‘tasters’ and 26% were ‘supertasters’.

We can’t wait to try the next experiment with…

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Making Dumplings!!!!

img_2234 img_2240 img_2249 img_2257 img_2258 img_2263 img_2272 img_2279 img_2280 img_2284 This week p4,5,6,and 7 made dumplings with Wen Ting. We all really enjoyed it. How we did it  was we got different kinds of dumplings in packages with all different kinds of flavours like egg and chives and last but not least  we boiled them. It was really quick and easy to do . We really enjoyed making them (and eating them).


(Happy New Year)

by Yelena and Amelie