Tag: iws

Support Bilingual Learners

With recent events across the globe please take into account the impact political actions and strong views around these actions may have on some of our Bilingual learners.

Scottish Government has identified some of the resources available to support in schools in the table below.

This is not instead of the usual avenues for any concerns around PREVENT training, radicalisation or extremism.




Education Scotland Prevent radicalisation and extremism resources in young people Safeguarding – Prevent radicalisation and extremism | Resources | Education Scotland
Education Scotland Teaching about conflict and war: Support for educators Teaching about conflict and war: Support for educators | Resources | Education Scotland
Educate Against Hate Parallel Histories Parallel Histories: Conflict in Israel and Palestine – Educate Against Hate
Solutions not sides Solutions not Sides Solutions Not Sides: resources for discussing Israel and Palestine in schools – Educate Against Hate
ACT An initiative designed to provide practical help and guidance to the public in order to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation
Childline   Worrying about Israel and Gaza | Childline
Worrying about War This document compiled in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine can be adapted to help encourage conversation around worries regarding the conflict. Worrying about war (A4 Document) (phoenixeducationconsultancy.com)
YouthLink’s Action on Prejudice A range of resources  around hate crime. Resource Library – Action on Prejudice