Tag: Coaching

Free 1:1 Coaching for Educators

Know You More has been supporting educators across Scotland for the past three years with online coaching (supporting 700+ education practitioners). They’re currently offering wellbeing 1:1 online coaching opportunities for those working in the education sector in Scotland. You can read more about this and sign up from today using the following link: Online Coaching for Wellbeing for Education Practitioners (knowyoumore.com)

This offer is fully funded by the Scottish Government. If you or any of your colleagues would value this opportunity, please do sign up and they’d be delighted to match you with your Coach.

Coaching Opportunities

Coaching Opportunities – 2023/24

We have an introduction to coaching course starting on 20th April, which is an opportunity for you to start to develop skills and techniques in coaching. We also have a Coaching Refresher Masterclass for those who would like to update their skills and knowledge. Finally, we have a masterclass on Coaching for the PRD, which will be useful for reviewers.

All can be booked through Business World.