Category: LTA

Headteacher Engagement – Play Pedagogy

Headteacher Engagement – Play Pedagogy     Thursday May 2nd Inspire Tweedbank

9:30 – 12:30 (Tea/coffee from 9am)

Catriona Gill from Education Scotland will be leading a workshop on high quality play pedagogy

Aims of session:

  • To further explore the key principles behind national guidance document Realising the Ambition: Being me.
  • To explore the concept of pedagogical leadership and consider the development of staff as adult learners.
  • To explore the key elements of high quality early level provision.

Please note this session is for all head teachers.

National Technologies Network – AIdea sessions for subject specialists

Could you please share the AI week page within your schools and also the details of the Aidea sessions.

Scottish AI in Schools – DigiLearn (

These are free to Scottish Teachers.

A.I.deas – Gen A.I. for Maths & Science teachers – Future Skills (

A.I.deas – Gen A.I. for Social Sciences teachers – Future Skills (

A.I.deas – Gen A.I. for English and Modern Language teachers – Future Skills (

Kirsty McFaul | Senior Education Officer Learning Teaching and Assessment | Education Scotland

Learning for Sustainability Scotland PL Events

I’m delighted to share details of several upcoming free-of-charge events and opportunities that may be of interest to you and your networks, and would be very grateful for your help in spreading the word to contacts you feel may be interested.

More details on all events and the links for signing up can be found here: Spring 2024: Upcoming opportunities and events from Learning for Sustainability Scotland (

  • ‘Connect’ – our monthly sessions for educators with the General Teaching Council of Scotland (29 February, 21 March, 25 April)
  • ‘Effective collaboration for Scotland’s Learning for Sustainability Movement for Change’ – a pan-sectoral discussion opportunity (05 March)
  • ‘Learning for a Sustainable Future’; our highly-successful online learning opportunity, which has, to date, attracted over 17,000 learners from nearly 160 countries. Developed in partnership with British Council and University of Edinburgh (starts 11 March)
  • ‘Responding to Scotland’s Good Food Nation consultation’ – in collaboration with Nourish Scotland (20 March)
  • ‘Monitoring Education for Sustainable Development in Colleges’ – in collaboration with EAUC Scotland (21 March)

Rewilding Education: how ecology can be a critical lens for system change

Rewilding education: how ecology can be a critical lens for system change

Tuesday 13th February 2024, 4.30-6pm

Microsoft Teams meeting

 Book here –

Ecology is the study of organisms and how they interact with the environment around them. In post-pandemic education, we are increasingly aware of the social and professional relationships between teachers, other colleagues, pupils, leaders, parents, and authorities. Not only these but the relationships between people and the ‘natural’ and constructed learning environments of home, school, community spaces, and the outdoors. ‘Rewilding’ is a conservation term but is now entering the language of business, referring to efforts to restore an ecosystem to a state where it can more naturally evolve, and where different species can co-exist.  

In this online session, we will explore the concepts and metaphors of ecology and discuss how an understanding of complex ecosystems can help us to better manage and steer change in our own education work.  

We will hear from the host speakers as they discuss their own interactions with these ideas, coupled with different images and graphics as food for thought. Participants will have the opportunity to complete voluntary interactive tasks, engage in Q&A, and share their own ideas. 

This event may be of interest to educational leaders or those involved in Learning for Sustainability in your local authorities.