Scottish AI in schools week brought together teachers, agencies, and organisations from across Scotland to raise awareness of, and give examples of how AI can be harnessed effectively to enhance learning, teaching and assessment. From personalised learning, adaptive learning systems, live lessons, sharing practice sessions, mini TeachMeets and professional learning, Scottish AI in Schools week showcased diverse ways in which AI contributes to improving educational outcomes for both learners and educators.
You can watch a recap of the events using the playlist below:


#ScotAI24 AI Wonderland: Make it HAPPen

#ScotAI24 Daydream Believers - The Power of Generative AI

#ScotAI24 Common Sense Education: AI Literacy

#SCOTAI24 International school of Aberdeen webinar recap

#SCOTNewbattle High School

#SCOTAI24 City of Glasgow - AI Tinder to Training

#SCOTAI24 Code Along: build with AI

#SCOTAI24 TeachMeet

Watch the Tech She Can Recording here