Category: Early Years

Oh Lila

Oh Lila: A Practical Resource for Building Resilience and Protective Factors in Young Children

VENUE:          Virtual

DATE:             Friday 17th May 2024        

TIME:              1pm – 4pm

WHO:             Early Years Settings

Oh Lila is a child friendly resource suitable for use with children aged 3 to 6 years and aims to build resilience and protective factors in young children, helping them to develop social skills and encouraging them to communicate.   Oh Lila can be linked to the Curriculum for Excellence, particularly around Health & Wellbeing but other areas too, such as Creative Arts.

On completing training, learners will have:

  • An increased awareness of the key themes of Oh Lila and how they relate to building resilience in children.
  • Increased confidence, skills and knowledge to use the Oh Lila resource and to manage disclosures from children in line with organizational procedures.
  • An enhanced awareness and understanding of the problems caused by alcohol and that by strengthening the foundation (early years) of life can prevent problems later as young adults.
  • An increased awareness of local and national strategies and policies.

The Oh Lila resource pack does not talk about alcohol or any other substances.

To book a place –

  • Scottish Borders Council staff can sign up via Business World
  • Childminders and Private and Voluntary setting staff can sign up via the Microsoft Form link on the Funded Provider SharePoint

All Early Years Settings have been supplied with the Oh Lila resource pack.

Please have your centre’s pack to hand for the session.        

You can also attend this as a refresher session.

For more information on training and resources

This course is free to attendees; however, there is a charge to Borders Alcohol & Drugs Partnership.  Please ensure you have confirmed your availability before requesting to attend.

Early Years


Connecting with Parents’ Motivations (CwPM) Training – Increasing staff skills in engaging families

Connecting with Parents’ Motivations (CwPM) Training – Increasing staff skills in engaging families

One day training: 9am – 4pm, 19th October or 26th October 2023 at SBC Council HQ

Aimed at all staff working with children and families, including Early Years Practitioners, PoPP trained staff, Social Work staff and members of NHS Borders staff particularly Health Visiting Teams.

CwPM is a strength-based communication skills training developed within NHS Education Scotland (NES) that is designed to enhance the abilities of the wider children and families workforce, so that they can have more of the kinds of conversations with parents that are likely to facilitate parent uptake and engagement with support.

CwPM training helps to develop non-judgemental, empowering partnerships between practitioners and parents. The training encourages greater use of specific strength-based communication skills that have been scientifically demonstrated to increase engagement between practitioners and families.

The training day uses short video clips, discussion, reflection and a range of interactive activities, with lots of time to learn and practice new skills. The day also offers information about the Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP) – what it is and how it’s delivered in the Scottish Borders.

For enrolment and further details please email by Friday 29th September 2023, or earlier as places are limited. N.B. Funding for supply cover may be available if required.

Please also let me know if you want to attend the training but are unable to make either the 19th or the 26th. We will be looking at other days and possibly two twilight sessions.

Marjorie Hutton

Early Years Strategy Officer