Author: Professional Learning

Excellence in Headship: Leadership of and for Learning 2023 – 2024

EiH: Leadership of and for Learning 2023 – 2024

 We are excited to share a new approach to Excellence in Headship, the national headteacher leadership professional learning programme. The revised model EiH Leadership of and for Learning has been informed directly by the needs of school leaders through our headteacher Listening Exercise.

 Why the new approach?

From our headteacher listening exercise, we know headteachers value time and space to engage in leadership professional learning. For the majority, in-person is preferred but, for accessibility, some still welcome an online option. As such, we are evolving Excellence in Headship to recognise this demand and streamline to 3 ‘core’ learning opportunities for headteachers in 2023/24.

What has changed?

  • EiH is now a universal offer for all headteachers with the minimum experience criteria removed.
  • If you’re new to EiH, you need to register via this MS Form
  • There are now three sequential EIH core learn sessions (see below).
  • Our new streamlined format will feature both in-person and online options.
  • You will also have access to optional System learn sessions.

The aim is for as many headteachers as possible to engage in these three core learn sessions to provide supportive leadership professional learning for all of Scotland’s headteachers. Based on your feedback we will initially offer in-person sessions in Glasgow, with the intention to deliver the programme in a range of locations across Scotland.

  1. EiH: Leadership of and for Learning

Leaders understand that people are the drivers and enactors of change for improvement. Professional learning and development is the means by which this is put into action. As a priority, leaders commit to and invest in their own professional learning and development, creating the conditions where professional learning can thrive – space, time, culture and trust. In this session we will explore this concept and consider how this thinking interacts with the current policy landscape influencing Scottish education

  1. EiH: Leadership of and for Complex Change

This session enables you to develop your understanding of systems leadership in terms of managing complex change. You will explore some of the relevant literature and models surrounding the leadership and management of complex change. This is a valuable opportunity to think, share your experience and learn together with systems leaders from across Scotland.

  1. EiH: Leadership of and for System

This session will provide an opportunity to explore how leaders build relational trust and networks across the system to ensure impact and the best outcomes for children and young people. You will take time with participants to take a deeper dive into the current policy landscape and introduce practical tools and approaches that can help you in your role to sense-make policy and develop an agile leadership approach to problem solving.

You can find all the programme information on our website Excellence in Headship (

Nurturing Approaches *Free PL offer*

Nurturing Approaches *Free PL offer*

Highly recommended by Education Scotland.

Cyrenians Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution have two events coming up on World Teachers Day (5 Oct) that have a health and wellbeing theme, specifically with teachers in mind:

Nurturing Positive Relationships 12pm led by Billy Burke (HT Renfrew High) with a particular focus on leadership of wellbeing, equality and inclusion and how wellbeing and positive relationships should be at the heart of all we do in work and in life.

How to Create More Trauma-Informed Responses in Schools 4pm – led by Gerry Diamond (Nurture Lead in Clydebank High School) who will demonstrate approaches based on core concepts about how the brain works.

Emma Sowerby

Headteacher, Inclusion and Wellbeing Service.

*NEW* Verbal Intervention Training

We would be grateful if you could share within your clusters.

New – Verbal Intervention Training

We are pleased to announce that we have agreed a new training provider for Verbal Interventions for Children and Young People training.

Crisis Prevention Institute will now be providing Verbal Intervention Training across our authority. CPI provide de-escalation and behaviour management training that puts people first.

We ran our first session in May and the training was really well received with lots of positive feedback. Sessions are face to face and run from 9am until 4:30pm (4:00pm if shorter breaks are agreed).

The session will run on Monday 19 February from 9am until 4pm at Earlston Primary School.

The training is for 24 delegates and a member of the inclusion and wellbeing team will also be present on the day. Spaces can be booked through Business World.

Please note – these sessions are for mainstream staff only. Enhanced provision staff will continue to complete the 2 day training course with Team Teach.

For the course information or enquiries please contact

Connecting with Parents’ Motivations (CwPM) Training – Increasing staff skills in engaging families

Connecting with Parents’ Motivations (CwPM) Training – Increasing staff skills in engaging families

One day training: 9am – 4pm, 19th October or 26th October 2023 at SBC Council HQ

Aimed at all staff working with children and families, including Early Years Practitioners, PoPP trained staff, Social Work staff and members of NHS Borders staff particularly Health Visiting Teams.

CwPM is a strength-based communication skills training developed within NHS Education Scotland (NES) that is designed to enhance the abilities of the wider children and families workforce, so that they can have more of the kinds of conversations with parents that are likely to facilitate parent uptake and engagement with support.

CwPM training helps to develop non-judgemental, empowering partnerships between practitioners and parents. The training encourages greater use of specific strength-based communication skills that have been scientifically demonstrated to increase engagement between practitioners and families.

The training day uses short video clips, discussion, reflection and a range of interactive activities, with lots of time to learn and practice new skills. The day also offers information about the Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP) – what it is and how it’s delivered in the Scottish Borders.

For enrolment and further details please email by Friday 29th September 2023, or earlier as places are limited. N.B. Funding for supply cover may be available if required.

Please also let me know if you want to attend the training but are unable to make either the 19th or the 26th. We will be looking at other days and possibly two twilight sessions.

Marjorie Hutton

Early Years Strategy Officer

SEEMiS Training

SEEMiS has very good training materials on their website ( )   Those who have a Click & Go login will be able to access this by entering a ‘b’ in front of their user name and using their normal password.

For Wellbeing app help, go to Training > Videos > Wellbeing App.

For Pastoral Notes help, go to Training > Videos > Latest Pastoral Notes

And of course for Bullying & Equalities go to Training > Videos > Bullying & Equalities.

There are also a number of webinars coming up.   Once you have logged into the website click this link Training Webinars – SEEMiS Group LLP .  These are useful because they can be viewed at a time to suit the user.   They are also live, so questions can be asked.

You can also see Click & Go under Help Pages.