Free Online Safety Workshops


Good morning colleagues


The UK Safer Internet Centre are delivering FREE Online Safety updates which are open to all who work with children and young people. The Online Safety Live events provide the latest in research, legislation, technology, tools and resources along with exclusive access to the presentation and resource materials.


Safety online is constantly changing and the purpose of Online Safety Live events is to provide access to this information, right on people’s doorsteps.  They provide vital information, critically supplemented with access to detailed resources to review later. The team will also be available to answer any online safety queries or questions.


The events are delivered by the team at South West Grid for Learning, a charitable trust dedicated to empowering the safe and secure use of technology through innovative services, tools, content and policy, nationally and globally. The SWGfL is a founding member of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety as well as an advisor to Governments and a partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre. They have created award winning resources and services that especially help and support professionals working with children and young people.


Currently, three events have been arranged. Please find the links below for onward sharing as you deem appropriate.





Many thanks




Catriona Scobbie |  Safeguarding Lead Officer | Education Scotland | Foghlam Alba


Mobile: 07464 538428

Address: The Optima | 58 Robertson Street | Glasgow | G2 8DU



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