IWS – Tues 13 – Inservice Day Offer

We have some bespoke arrangements already in place with some clusters but have the following additional offer for schools for the Tuesday inset after the holidays.

If you would like to access any of these please get in touch with the contacts below who will send you a link to circulate in time for the session.

  • All offers will be delivered live through TEAMS
  • Most sessions will also be on offer at an end of the day session suitable for CAT meetings during the academic year.
  • Please email the contact person indicated below to register interest/sign up for your school or cluster.
  • We aim to support outwards looking practice and collaboration across schools/clusters – please ensure that wherever possible staff are logged on using individual devices to allow ‘break out rooms’ to operate effectively.
  • All attendees are expected to complete an online evaluation form after the session
  • No registers will be taken – schools should note attendance of their staff if required

Tuesday 13th August 2024

9.15 – 10.45am Scripting: Confident and Positive Responses


Paddy Burke pburke@scotborders.gov.uk

9.30 – 10.30 Bilingual support  – Supporting in Writing (Primary)



Liz Scarpa gw09scarpaliz@glowmail.org.uk or Jane Bryant



9.15 – 10.45am The environment offers a safe base  – principles and practice


Caroline Robinson


11 – 12.00 Bilingual support – Supporting in Writing (Secondary)


Liz Scarpa gw09scarpaliz@glowmail.org.uk or Jane Bryant


1.30 – 3.00pm  All behaviour is communication –  principles and practice


Doug Crabbe




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