All posts by Mrs Lloyd

The Jolly Christmas Postman

We are getting into the Christmas spirit by listening to this wonderful story and making decorations while stamping the snow off our boots! The Jolly Christmas Postman Is a story about a busy postman visiting different characters from traditional fairytales and nursery rhymes. We are enjoying the story and doing different activities around the theme over the next two weeks.

We are opening our Advent calendar each morning. There are Christmas themed rubbers for the children and a message around the theme of health and well-being.

In literacy we are continuing to learn rhymes to help us to read and spell. The story is Supersonic Engine Juice and this weeks’ rhymes were ub and et.



0ur writing was a description of the Jolly Postman.

In maths we are learning subtraction facts for numbers to 20. We are using number bonds and patterns to help us, and we know what bridging a 10 means.

Our science topic is forces and we are investigating the effect of friction on movement. We described friction as the opposite of slippery when talking about the ice today!

Here we are testing the speed of different surfaces. As scientists we ask lots of questions and put forward our predictions, saying things like ‘I think this will go faster’, ‘I wonder if two of these will win?’ and ‘This will win because it is smooth’.

This week in P2

This week we continued to use rhyme to help us read and spell. P2 are great at suggesting rhyming words, including ‘ma’am’!


We looked at the shapes in tangrams and made pictures of our own.

Our story this week was about ‘playing’, based on our story ‘Who wants to play with a troll?’ Our writing is always improving in terms of sentences, spelling, ideas and handwriting. And more detail is being added to our drawings.

Here we are during play time, where we create, discover and imagine!

We enjoy our weekly reading books, reading them alone, in pairs and in groups. There is always plenty to talk about in the pictures!


Each week we use our rhyming words in dictation. Our sentences are beautifully written and correctly spelled!



Today P2 observed a two minute silence in remembrance of those who died in wars. They were very respectful and dignified, and shared stories about people they know who have been affected by war. Well done, P2. They made poppy pictures this week to display in windows at home. Firstly, they painted a grass field in the style of Monet, an Impressionist, using green, white and yellow paints. Then they cut a small, medium and large red tissue paper circle and circled them around a finger to create a 3D effect when glueing them on the grass. Lastly, they glued a black circle in the middle of the poppy petals.

Our story this week was about something that was caught. We have been reading about The Mungle Flap which is a hen that was caught.

We are continuing to think about filling each other’s buckets by being kind, and about how this helps us to feel good too.


This week we marked Bonfire Night by creating a fireworks sky using oil pastels on black paper. Then we put our ideas onto a large black sheet for the nursery display. We talked about how to keep safe on Bonfire Night.

We read a rhyming story The Mungle Flap and learned how to read and spell words that rhyme with hen and cap.

In numeracy we are learning number bonds to 20 and have been solving problems around these facts.
We made more 3D shapes using mini marshmallows and cocktail sticks following last weeks’ witches hats.

Have a great weekend!

Happy Halloween

P2 are continuing to learn to read and write rhyming words. We listened to a rhyming story and identified words with the same sound at the end. Our story writing this week was on the theme of kindness and we thought about who was kind in the story Dogger. We wrote stories about a time when someone shared or swopped something. We consolidate our learning through playing literacy games.

We read Ayla’s book Be Kind which showed us that there are many different ways to show kindness.

We painted pumpkins. Instead of using orange paint we used red, yellow and white and made beautiful shades of orange by mixing them together.

We did various Halloween crafts today; witches hats, straw skeletons and dancing ghosts,

Have a great weekend!

Welcome back

Hello, it was great to see everyone back this week, to play and learn and hear all about the holidays.

In science we are learning about forces and we discussed what makes a paper aeroplane go. Many great ideas were explored including gravity, air pressure and aerodynamics. Then we made our own paper helicopter and had great fun dropping them and watching them spin outside.

We wrote an imaginative story about something that was made. The details and ideas are developing really well, as is spelling and handwriting.

In numeracy we consolidated  the number stories for 11 and 12 using materials and near doubles.

We painted Autumn leaves using a two colour brush stroke. Look very closely, can you see the two tone leaves?

In assembly we learned that we fill our own and others’ buckets through being kind. We are noticing and recording times we are kind. It’s very heartwarming!

P2’s week

We had another busy week at the end of what has been a great term for P2. Everyone has worked very hard, learning and playing with such enthusiasm. Our sound this week was ie/igh, and many enjoyed writing and drawing lighthouses again. We wrote a three part imaginative story about something that was ‘found’, and they were indeed very imaginative! We worked on ‘number of the day’, writing addition and subtractions for the number, numbers before/after and spelling the number word. There were some ambitious sums, such as, 100-86=14. In science we collected different leaves and sorted them into groups using our own chosen characteristics.

Miss Muir taught us signs for big, small, what, where, soap and towel.

We continue to learn through play, using our imagination to consolidate our learning and solving our own challenges.

We play literacy and numeracy games to practise key words and number concepts.

Well done, boys and girls! Have a great October holiday and I look forward to seeing you all on 19th October.

This week in P2

This week we revised the ee and ea sounds and used them to write sentences such as ‘The sea is deep.’ Our descriptive writing was about a favourite toy. It’s great to learn more about the children through their writing.

Miss Muir taught us Signalong signs for ‘wash, here, there, up, down, boy and girl’.

We were busy creating an art piece too. Part one was to draw a large lion and decorate it with fine details. Next, we mixed warm colours to paint a sunset. Lastly we cut out black silhouettes and placed them all together on the background.


Play provides a rich learning experience. Through our play we




we try, fail and try a different way

we imagine

we explain

we decide

we practice

and we make sense of things

We show what we know and what we think.