We are getting into the Christmas spirit by listening to this wonderful story and making decorations while stamping the snow off our boots! The Jolly Christmas Postman Is a story about a busy postman visiting different characters from traditional fairytales and nursery rhymes. We are enjoying the story and doing different activities around the theme over the next two weeks.
We are opening our Advent calendar each morning. There are Christmas themed rubbers for the children and a message around the theme of health and well-being.
In literacy we are continuing to learn rhymes to help us to read and spell. The story is Supersonic Engine Juice and this weeks’ rhymes were ub and et.
0ur writing was a description of the Jolly Postman.
In maths we are learning subtraction facts for numbers to 20. We are using number bonds and patterns to help us, and we know what bridging a 10 means.
Our science topic is forces and we are investigating the effect of friction on movement. We described friction as the opposite of slippery when talking about the ice today!
Here we are testing the speed of different surfaces. As scientists we ask lots of questions and put forward our predictions, saying things like ‘I think this will go faster’, ‘I wonder if two of these will win?’ and ‘This will win because it is smooth’.