All posts by Mrs McGilp

The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark, Chapter 4

Hello Primary 2,

We hope you’re all well and have been enjoying the snow.

Here is Chapter 4 of our story.

Talk to your grown up about who Plop has met so far.

Who said dark is kind?  Who  said dark is fun? Who said dark is exciting? Who said dark is necessary?  For an extra activity, draw the different characters in your jotter or use this worksheet to help you.

Take care,

Mrs McGilp and Mrs Lloyd

Learning grid for 01.02.21

Hello P2!

We hope you’re all well. We’re so pleased to see how hard you’re working at home, do keep sending your emails showing us what you’re up to.

Here is a suggested timetable for next week. Remember this is entirely optional and if you prefer to do tasks in a different order that’s completely fine. Email us if you have any questions.

Take care,
Mrs McGilp and Mrs Lloyd

The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark: Chapter 1

Hello Primary 2! We hope you’re all well.

As part of our new home learning we’re going read a short novel, The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark

Listen to Mrs Lloyd read the first chapter here:

The chapter is called ‘Dark is Exciting’. How would you finish this sentence?Dark is ….‘ Do you think it’s exciting, wonderful or spine-tinglingly terrifying? Let us know how you would describe the dark in the comments or send us an email.

Take care,
Mrs McGilp and Mrs Lloyd


Welcome back Primary 2

Happy New Year Primary 2! We hope you’ve had a lovely break.

In the Home Learning section of this blog you’ll find the Sway with lots of activities to try. We look forward to seeing all of your hard work. You can email us your work, ask a question or just say hi!

Stay safe,

Mrs Lloyd and Mrs McGilp

Merry Christmas from P2/1

What a fun filled festive week we’ve had! We’ve opened some great picturebooks in our advent including The Jolly Christmas Postman and Meerkat Christmas.

On Monday afternoon we had a virtual visit from Santa, who left a gift with his elf Mrs Wilson. We were very excited to open our present – a wooden marble run! We’ve had lots of fun with it already.

On Tuesday we all looked great in our party clothes. In the afternoon we watched Happy Feet with Mrs Thomson and enjoyed our drinks and snacks.

Wednesday was a busy day – we started by thinking about all the people who help us in school, from Mr Harkness for looking after the school to Mrs Clyde for making us lovely lunches. We then all wrote a Christmas thank you letter. This was followed by a very tasty Christmas lunch. We were joined by Mrs Fletcher and enjoyed the crackers and the silly jokes!

After lunch we went on a tour of the school to see everybody’s doors. It was very exciting going for a walk upstairs and seeing what a great job everybody has done. At the end of the day we watched the Kingsland Christmas story. We were delighted to see ourselves on screen and talked again about the meaning of Christmas.

On Thursday we had great fun watching the pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk. We enjoyed booing at the evil characters and cheering for Jack and Jill! We also enjoyed our cinema style popcorn and drinks.

We’ve also been working hard this week making cards, finishing our Christmas present for our grown ups and wrapping it up ourselves. We hope you like them!

Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all on 5th January 2021.

Festive fun in P2/1

It’s starting to feel very Christmassy in P2/1. Our classroom door is decorated and our stick children are wearing scarves and Santa hats and are relaxing with a good book!

We’re continuing our picturebook advent each day and have read some lovely stories, including one about how Santa’s reindeer are actually girls, because the boys lose their antlers each winter.

We’ve been looking more closely at the months and seasons. We’ve been doing cotton bud printing of trees in different seasons and talking more about what happens in each season. We made a winter display for our classroom where we all worked together using different materials to make a snowman. Then we did a fantastic job cutting out our snowflakes and concentrating to make sure we didn’t cut them in half!

In numeracy we’ve doing a great job building our number lines and then doing our own subtraction sentences. This week we’ve been focusing on subtracting teens numbers.

In literacy we’ve been writing some Christmassy sentences. We also wrote our own stories this week around the theme of being lost, with an introduction, a problem and a resolution. We had some very creative stories, including one about a dragon called Tutankhamun! 

For health and wellbeing we’ve been talking about the school values and are starting to consider what they mean to us. We’ve been focusing on compassion and in circle time spoke about being kind to other people and being considerate of each other’s feelings.

A snowy end to the week in P2/1

We were very excited this week now that it’s December. Each morning we talk about the day, date and season and were delighted to finally change our board to winter and the 1st December! Because so many children open advent calendars before they come to school we all know the date each morning! For our class advent we are taking it in turns to unwrap a picturebook each day, this morning it was How the Grinch stole Christmas.

We’ve been doing lots of writing this week. We’ve been writing rhyme words and then hanging them on our rhyme tree. We’ve also been writing some silly sentences with our rhyme words. This week for our imaginative writing we wrote a story with the title ‘The Icy Puddle’ and did some great picture plans to help us plan our writing. We’re also focusing lots on capital and lowercase letters and putting them in the right place in our sentences.

In numeracy we’ve now moved on to subtraction to 20.  We’ve been writing addition and subtraction sums for our partners. In our play we’ve also been using the Cuisenaire rods – this group were proud to share that they had made the numbers to 30.

We have started our Christmas crafts – last week we made reindeer for Mrs Ryalls’ corridor displays and this week we did a great job very carefully painting robins on wooden discs. All classes are decorating their doors and we’re having a snowy woodland scene.

This week in P2/1

What a quick week!

This week in P2/1 we’ve been doing lots of reading. We’re enjoying reading in our groups and talking about the characters in the stories. On Monday we looked at -in words and came up with a huge number of rhyming words, including longer words like robin and dolphin. In writing this week we looked at recount writing and wrote about the time a robin came into our classroom. We looked at the verbs (doing words) we would need to build our sentences.

We’re practising correct letter formation and ensuring our letters are a similar size and all sitting on the line. In our handwriting lessons we start by working on our core, then our shoulders, then a ‘crossing the midline’ activity and finally work with playdough to help make our fingers strong. Then we practise our letter formation. This week we’ve looked at r and n.

In numeracy we’re continuing with our addition to twenty. We’ve been adding three numbers and also used our subtraction and problem solving skills with missing number addition. We also set up a Kingsland Shop to help our adding and subtracting, working out how many items we could buy with our money.

On Wednesday we watched an assembly with Mrs Hope, who told us all about St Andrew’s day and read a lovely poem. There was also a quiz and we found out about some of the other patron saints in the UK.

We’re continuing to talk about filling our buckets. In circle time we drew little pictures and talked about what had filled our buckets this week.