Dive into a book.

Book Week

We have had some fun exploring books for Book Week. Our focus has had strong links to Literacy.

We explored the book,” The last wolf” by Mini Grey . This was a book that was in the P3 Read, Write, Count goody bag that we took home on Monday.

We tried to act out parts of the story and we felt that we were actually in the book when we did that. There was lots of fun and laughter at the end when the story had a happy ending.

The book made us think very carefully about environmental issues and how we need to take care to look after wildlife. When hedges and trees are cut down the animals lose their homes and food. So we could be more mindful of this when we make choices.

We are looking forward to sharing books we bring in from home tomorrow.

Click on the link below to hear one of the stories we shared this week.



Here is a non-fiction book we read this week.




We learned a new strategy this week. We had to do more than one sum to work out the answers to the scores on dart boards.

We were so proud of ourselves when we mixed the sums too. For example we had to use Multiplying and addition together to find our answers. We are going to make some dart boards to explore this with our learning partners.

Here is an example :

2×4 =8

8+2 = 10

Well done, P3. This was challenging for you!

Sustainable Squad meeting 1.

We had an early morning meeting and felt very grown up when the tables were rearranged to make our meeting more formal.

We took the meeting very seriously and our responses were very mature.

Here are some of the things we discussed.

P7 will be planting legacy trees in the school grounds in December and January. This will provide shelter and shading and be good for our wildlife. We can also think about the P7’s who planted them.

We are looking forward to finding out more about the polytunnel that we are going to have in Spring.

The Squad are going to request recycling bins for the playground by emailing SBC for permission.

Finally , we had a super discussion about how we can look after our wildlife in Winter.

Here are a few of our thoughts:

Make some bird food like fat balls in class.

Use less plastic or recycle old bottles to make seed/water feeders for birds.

Make fruit kebabs in class to make food for birds.

Provide more water stations for birds – even though water sometimes freezes in Winter!

Make more bug houses/hotels

Plant more flowers

What an interesting meeting we had. It was lovely to hear everyone’s ideas. We are really looking forward to making these things for the birds and beasties.



We continued to explore how to write a recount this week and we tried really hard to write more. This was challenging and we had to really persevere and not give up.

We wrote about getting ready for bed this week and had some fun miming this one. Being active helped us to be more creative with our writing.



Mr Swinney surprised us by dropping off some of the jigsaws and games our teacher had ordered. Mrs Ward gave each class money to spend and we are really excited about exploring our new games.

Thank you to Mrs Ward as these games will make our learning and play even more exciting.







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