Welcome back Primary 2! We’ve had a fantastic first week back, settling in and learning together. Primary 2 have enjoyed seeing their friends again and playing outside. We have been learning to write and sequence numbers to 20 and have made our own number cards. Using cubes, we have shown that teens numbers are made from a ten and some ones. Our book study will be ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ by Ronda and David Armitage, so this week we have shared what we already know about lighthouses and what we want to know. We have drawn and painted lighthouses so that we can describe the parts. We have revised the sounds and learned a new sound ‘ou’ so that we can write ‘lighthouse’.
Here are some of the things P2 said about this week;
‘I liked writing on whiteboards.’
‘I like learning about lighthouses.’
‘I love lunch and going outside.’
I learned how to draw a lighthouse.’
Wow! August seems like a long time ago! What a busy time you’ve had since then!