
Hello Primary 1,

I hope you’re all safe and well. I am so impressed with the learning you are doing at home! It’s great to see you being so creative.

I’ve been busy planning what we’ll do next and looking at some of my picturebooks. These are my favourites today. I would love to see what you’re reading at home.

Please keep sharing on the Share My Learning page and remember you can send me an email to share your stories or if you just want to say hello.

Take care,

Mrs McGilp

Hello Primary 1!

We hope you are all safe and well.

Thank you again for our lovely flowers.

Have a look with your grown up at the home learning page on our blog. There are lots of ideas for learning to do at home.  We hope you will all take part in the Daffodil Challenge too.

Please keep us updated on what you’re doing by sharing your pictures and comments on the ‘Share my learning’ page, email us or even comment on this post to say hello.

We look forward to seeing what you’re up to,
Mrs McGilp and Mrs Lloyd


We are learning about magnetic forces.

This is what we said…

‘We learned that magnets pick things up. They connect together and push away the magnets that are the same.’

‘Did you know the world is a magnet? If only one side was magnetic we would fall.’

‘They can stick to each other. There’s a magnetic force if you use the same side.’

‘If you use two magnets the wrong way it doesn’t stick together.’

We sorted materials into ‘magnetic’ and ‘non-magnetic’ and were able to name the materials.

World Book Day

We had a great day celebrating World Book Day and preparing our classroom door.  Our theme was the picturebook Dragon Post, where a little boy finds a dragon and writes lots of letters asking for advice.  Using the book as inspiration we wrote some fantastic letters asking how to look after our own dragon: to Edinburgh Zoo asking how to train it, to Forsyths asking for meat to feed it and to Mrs Wilson asking if we could keep it!

We also worked together to create a dragon, each person designing a scale to make a collage of its body.

We had lots of lovely comments and suggestions from visitors to our door, and had a great time visiting other classrooms to see their doors.