Our Framework
Is a common language for skills that is used across our school.
A language that clearly and consistently describes skills to allow for shared understanding amongst pupils, staff, parents and partners.
Is a resource that succinctly categorises and exemplifies the most common and relevant skills used by our pupils.
How it was Developed
• We audited the skills we believe we deliver as a school.
• We did this through consultation with teachers, parents, pupils and partners.
• During the consultation we decided the skills that were most important to our community.
• We agreed upon a set of skills and an agreed language of how these skills are articulated.
How our Framework helps
A common language places importance on the skills being developed.
Pupils will be more capable of articulating skills learned to teachers, parents, for further education and future employment.
To help facilitate learner conversations and profiling activities.
Pupils are able to see skills that are being developed across a number of subjects.
Pupils can see a clearer link from school work to the world of work.