

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Queen Margaret Academy. At Queen Margaret Academy we are an ambitious community of learning and faith where our young people are inspired, motivated and successful. We aim to offer a high quality education for all our young people in a distinctive Catholic context empowering them to maximise their talents and achieve.

Our faith is celebrated regularly through Masses and events, largely conducted by our liturgical committee, led by Fr Stephen Latham and supported by the wider staff body and local parishioners.

Fundamental to a school is a positive culture and ethos. Queen Margaret Academy have 6 values which we base our work:
• Community
• Ambition
• Responsibility
• Equity
• Faith
• Respect

Throughout a young person’s time at Queen Margaret Academy we aim to support them in partnership with home and local parishes to become resilient individuals who will add value to our school and our community.

I look forward to working with you to support our young people in their journey through secondary

Oonagh Browne
Head Teacher

Education Scotland visited in January 2019: finding that:

“Across the school within classes and around open areas, there is a calm, purposeful atmosphere, characterised by positive relationships between peers and with staff. This is sustaining a supportive climate for learning. Young people are respectful, motivated and keen to do well.” Education Scotland 2019

The School has four Depute Head Teachers

Mr Mallon Year Head for S2 and S5

Miss McGhie Year Head for S3 and S6

Mr Mcgeough Year Head for S1 and S4

Mrs Semple Responsibility for SLC

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