Tag Archives: Parents

Snapchat Snap Maps

As you know Snapchat is an extremely popular app with young people and they have recently launched a new, optional feature called Snap Maps. This feature allows users to see where in the country their Snapchat contacts are, as well as seeing location based photos and videos. Users can then zoom into the map to see the exact location of their friends.

When first using the Snap Map feature, users need to choose who can see their location on the map. They can choose from: My friends, Only me (‘Ghost Mode’), or Selected friends. A user’s precise location will only be visible to their selected audience. Many young people will have ‘friends’ on Snapchat that they have never met in person, consequently, this could mean that those people are able to see the young person’s location on Snap Map.

Privacy settings for Snap Maps can be changed at any time within the Snapchat Settings screen. Users should regularly review their privacy settings.

Sharing location on any social media app can be a risky thing to do. All users should consider the following:

  • Only share your location with people you know in person. Never share your location with strangers.
  • Don’t add contacts to Snapchat if you don’t know them in person.
  • Regularly review your privacy settings. Remember these can be changed at any time. Think about where you’re sharing your location and what times you’re on the app – do you want to share these locations?

The following websites provide useful information on Snap Maps for teachers, parents, carers and young people:


http://www.childnet.com/blog/introducing-snap-maps-the-new-location- sharing-feature-in-snapchat

https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/blog/introducing-%E2%80%98snap-maps %E2%80%99-new-location-sharing-feature-snapchat

Early Learning and Childcare Consultation

As  you may be aware the Scottish Government have now pledged that by 2020 early learning and childcare hours will increase to 1140 hours per year.

Soouth Ayrshire Council are seeking the views of parents/carers on how they could plan for the future and provide flexible early learning and childcare that meets the needs of children and families in our communities.

Parents and carers can have their say by visiting https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PMD77KL

Consultation Poster
Hard Copy of Survey

P1 Registration THURSDAY 19th JANUARY 2017

Children, who have attained the age of five years between 1st March 2017 and the last day of February 2018, should be brought to the Holmston School Office between the hours of 9.15am and 3.30pm on Thursday 19th January.  THE CHILD’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND PROOF OF ADDRESS MUST BE PRODUCED ON THE DAY OF REGISTRATION (e.g. a copy of your Utility Bill or Council Tax Notice etc.)

Each Primary School has a designated “Catchment Area”. If you live in one of the streets listed below you are in the Holmston “Catchment Area” and should register at Holmston Primary School.

If you live in the Holmston “Catchment Area” but would like to send your child to a different Primary School you should still register at Holmston where you will be given the appropriate form (placing request form) and advice concerning the school of your choice.

If you do not live in the Holmston “Catchment Area” but would like to apply to send your child to Holmston you should register at the primary school in your own Catchment Area.  The Head Teacher will take your particulars and supply you with the appropriate form (placing request form) and advice concerning your request.


South Ayrshire – the best place to grow, learn and play.

The Scottish Government launched Scotland’s first Play Strategy in June 2013 which articulates the critical importance of play as well as an obligation to protect children’s ability to play.

South Ayrshire Council is seeking your views on:

*  Where children play
*  Outdoor Play
*  Who children play with
*  Play sessions available
*  How often children play

We welcome your comments on the above to help shape a Play Strategy for Early Learning and Childcare across South Ayrshire.

Please find below a parent/carers survey monkey questionnaire:


Closing date is the 19th December.